Search found 24 matches

by encw
Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:21 am
Forum: CX16 General Chat
Topic: A plea to the dev team
Replies: 33
Views: 22615

Re: A plea to the dev team

Several of us have suggested just that. I suggest popping in to the Discord and making your thoughts known to David in the hardware channel. I might have to do the same. Which is a pain because I’ve been diligently avoiding discord. Honestly I’d tell him to nix the console version as planned and ju...
by encw
Wed Jul 10, 2024 8:27 am
Forum: CX16 General Chat
Topic: A plea to the dev team
Replies: 33
Views: 22615

Re: A plea to the dev team

Don't worry if it doesn't run on other people's machines?? The problem is that we were promised more than just a hobby machine. I remember David talking about wanting to create a decent sized commercial ecosystem for cartridge games on the console version. That's what interests me. I'd LOVE to write...
by encw
Sun Jul 07, 2024 1:58 am
Forum: CX16 General Chat
Topic: A plea to the dev team
Replies: 33
Views: 22615

Re: A plea to the dev team

I agree. My development for the X16 has come to a dead stop while I wait for this uncertainty to end. The whole joy and purpose of these types of systems is that they're all the same. Now we've got the possibility of incompatible system software versions and even different CPUs with different instru...
by encw
Mon Mar 25, 2024 9:04 am
Forum: CX16 Hardware Support
Topic: IP Socket, Wireless support.
Replies: 13
Views: 10892

Re: IP Socket, Wireless support.

Perhaps consider using gopher as the protocol. The gopher ecosystem doesn't use encryption algorithms and has quite a bit of content.
by encw
Tue Feb 20, 2024 10:54 pm
Forum: CX16 General Chat
Topic: Seeking information on future X16 production
Replies: 2
Views: 1517

Seeking information on future X16 production

Do we have any information about what comes next after batch 2 is complete?

Is it going to be batch 3? Or batch 1 of a console design?

Do we know when they're going to be moving from discrete batches to continuous production and general availability?
by encw
Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:04 pm
Forum: CX16 General Chat
Topic: X16 laptop?
Replies: 8
Views: 3286

X16 laptop?

I'm wondering if it might be possible, at some time in the future, for the X16 team to make a laptop version of the X16 powered by AA batteries like the similar models of the 80s. It seems to me that it should be possible to do so, especially with the gen 3 model. I think it'd be a grand thing. Mayb...
by encw
Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:46 am
Forum: CX16 General Chat
Topic: The possibility of moving to a 65816 instead of a 6502
Replies: 29
Views: 16709

Re: The possibility of moving to a 65816 instead of a 6502

I think the X16 using the 16-bit chip is the right choice, and that the team should have stuck with the 65816. If they make the change now then it ought to be total; no more 65C02, just the 65816, so we have compatibility across the ecosystem. It is rather unprofessional that the X16 team is going b...
by encw
Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:23 pm
Forum: CX16 General Chat
Topic: Version 1 Postmortem & Proposal for future
Replies: 45
Views: 23313

Re: Version 1 Postmortem & Proposal for future

The reminder was not directed at any particular person. You don't have to agree to the rules for them to be enforceable. One doesn't have to agree to the speed limit but the officer will still stop and possibly arrest you for going 30 over. I've provided the reminder, folks can absolutely continue ...
by encw
Sat Feb 10, 2024 5:26 pm
Forum: CX16 General Chat
Topic: Version 1 Postmortem & Proposal for future
Replies: 45
Views: 23313

Re: Version 1 Postmortem & Proposal for future

I get the impression that some of the folks, particularly those that seem to have only a few posts under their belt, are here to otherwise be negative and poop on the pizza as it were. I'd like to remind folks of the rules: The rules don't mean you c...
by encw
Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:24 am
Forum: CX16 General Chat
Topic: Version 1 Postmortem & Proposal for future
Replies: 45
Views: 23313

Re: Version 1 Postmortem & Proposal for future

I am disappointed that the Commander X16 team has chosen to focus their community on Discord and Facebook. I don't use FB, so I don't have insight onto how the X16 is referenced there. But if for some reason I was unable or unwilling to use Discord - I could see your point here: approaching the X16...