Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by rka »

I'm running the latest x16emu on a Win 10 AMD Laptop. While LOAD"PROGRAM.PRG" works fine, LOAD"$" to get the directory just hangs and then requires a Ctrl-C to break out. Attached my screenshots for reference. Any help appreciated since I looked around and couldn't find the issue reported elsewhere.

Just let me know if I'm doing something silly. Looking forward to the real device.


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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by Ender »

1 hour ago, rka said:

I'm running the latest x16emu on a Win 10 AMD Laptop. While LOAD"PROGRAM.PRG" works fine, LOAD"$" to get the directory just hangs and then requires a Ctrl-C to break out. Attached my screenshots for reference. Any help appreciated since I looked around and couldn't find the issue reported elsewhere.

Just let me know if I'm doing something silly. Looking forward to the real device.


x16emu_Dir_Issue.pdf 213.09 kB · 2 downloads

Unfortunately, this has been a bug with SD cards for a while.  You can still see the directory listing with:

DOS "$" 

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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by mobluse »

From the release notes for r38: "changed PETSCII screen codes $65/$67 to PET 1/8th blocks"

I don't see any difference between X16 and C64. I tried this code in x16emu:


10 ?CHR$($65);CHR$($67)

and this in x64 in VICE 3.4 SDL2:

5 ?"{clear}";

10 ?CHR$(6*16+5);CHR$(6*16+7)

({clear} is Shift+Home i.e. a reversed heart.)

What is the difference between the C64 character set and X16? I think it's good if there are identical characters in C64 that they are different in X16, because there is no point in having identical characters. It is a problem of how to print them since the PETSCII font probably only supports C64.

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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by Ender »

1 hour ago, mobluse said:

From the release notes for r38: "changed PETSCII screen codes $65/$67 to PET 1/8th blocks"

I don't see any difference between X16 and C64. I tried this code in x16emu:


10 ?CHR$($65);CHR$($67)

and this in x64 in VICE 3.4 SDL2:

5 ?"{clear}";

10 ?CHR$(6*16+5);CHR$(6*16+7)

({clear} is Shift+Home i.e. a reversed heart.)

What is the difference between the C64 character set and X16? I think it's good if there are identical characters in C64 that they are different in X16, because there is no point in having identical characters. It is a problem of how to print them since the PETSCII font probably only supports C64.

This is the change it's referring to:

Looks like they changed them from being two pixels wide to one pixel wide.  From what I can tell, the $65 and $67 are referring to the character tile values (screen codes), not the PETSCII codes.  So you would see it by doing something like this.

CLS : VPOKE 0,0,$65 : VPOKE 0,2,$74

As you can see, comparing $65 to $74, $74 is twice as wide, whereas they used to be identical.

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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by mobluse »

I have updated the PETSCII:



10 ?CHR$($A5);CHR$($A7)

VICE x64:

5 ?"{clear}";

10 ?CHR$(10*16+5);CHR$(10*16+7)

There seems to be an error in the X16 ROM for CHR$($A7) because it is not just thinner, but in the wrong end compared to C64.

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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by svenvandevelde »

On 7/24/2020 at 6:23 PM, vhovar said:

How can we make the emulator recognize lower case letters? I have run it on a couple different Win10 systems and the default seems to be uppercase and the shift just produces an alternate character, not lower or upper case letter. I'm sure this is something simple I just don't understand or are missing.


Press CTRL-N in the emulator. 

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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by svenvandevelde »

On 7/7/2020 at 10:20 PM, Michael Steil said:

Maintenance releases? How about more regular releases? ? I'll try that!

Michael, I had read somewhere that version 39 would be created of the emulator machine. Is this still on the go? Reason of the ask is if the zero page $00 would still select the RAM bank instead of the VIA port address?

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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by ZeroByte »

That’s how the real hardware works, so clearly they aren’t going to roll that back out of the emulator and Kernal.

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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by svenvandevelde »

3 hours ago, ZeroByte said:

That’s how the real hardware works, so clearly they aren’t going to roll that back out of the emulator and Kernal.

What I wanted to ask is that there is going to be a new emulator released soon? So I can test the code with the latest hardware configuration. Now it seems the release is still 38 Kyoto. Will there be a 39 emulator? Or am I understanding from your response that there won't be one, rather a machine with hardware?

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Official software uploaded: Commander X16 Emulator (Win/Mac/Linux)

Post by Ender »

6 hours ago, svenvandevelde said:

What I wanted to ask is that there is going to be a new emulator released soon? So I can test the code with the latest hardware configuration. Now it seems the release is still 38 Kyoto. Will there be a 39 emulator? Or am I understanding from your response that there won't be one, rather a machine with hardware?

A while ago, like early April, Michael was active again and had seemed to plan to have R39 out soon at that time (I think he said something like he planned to have it out that weekend).  However, it looks like there may have been some sort of hang-up, since there doesn't seem to have been any activity since then.

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