Change of product direction, good and bad news!

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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by troj »

1 minute ago, Carl Gundel said:

Crowdfunding would pose certain challenges?  Okay.  But if the project is impeded from lack of money (is it?) and if crowdfunding can provide that money...?

As soon as you take money from someone, there are obligations that go along with that - responding to inquiries, getting product out the door in a reasonable timeframe, etc.

As long as they've not taken money from anyone, they have zero obligation to anyone and can work according to the team's priorities and needs. They currently control their own destiny. That changes completely, once they take money.

Scott Robison
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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by Scott Robison »

1 minute ago, troj said:

As soon as you take money from someone, there are obligations that go along with that - responding to inquiries, getting product out the door in a reasonable timeframe, etc.

As long as they've not taken money from anyone, they have zero obligation to anyone and can work according to the team's priorities and needs. They currently control their own destiny. That changes completely, once they take money.

Kickstarter has no such requirement. Which is probably another reason why 8BG doesn't want to go into it and take money unless he's sure he could fulfill it.

Kickstarter is "you are helping fund an idea, and if you never get any premiums that were promised because the idea never comes to fruition, oh well." Don't ask me how I know.

The 8-Bit Guy
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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by The 8-Bit Guy »

2 minutes ago, Scott Robison said:

Kickstarter has no such requirement. Which is probably another reason why 8BG doesn't want to go into it and take money unless he's sure he could fulfill it.

Regardless of whether a crowd funding platform requires something or not, I have a reputation of integrity to uphold.  The last thing I want is people saying that the 8-Bit Guy took their money and didn't deliver on a promise.  However, I have been considering doing some sort of crowdfunding where it would literally just be asking for donations to keep this project alive.  An infusion of $20,000 with no requirement to repay it would go a LONG way to pushing this product out to the public.  $100,000 would guarantee a successful launch.   But that's a lot to ask.  I know there are several thousand people interested in this.  If everyone just donated $5 that would probably be an incredible help.

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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by VincentF »

Speaking only for myself, I am truly afraid that the X8 would take over the X16 and it's userbase / softwarebase.

I talked earlier about following a similar scheme as RPis with X16 being 100% retrocompatible with the X8.

To be honest I'm only interested in the X16 and if the X8 sounds appealing at first it would just be a temporary product in wait for the real thing.

I deeply want to see the X16 seeing the light of the day, so if I can help in any way, just tell me ! ?

John Federico
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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by John Federico »

10 minutes ago, The 8-Bit Guy said:

I know there are several thousand people interested in this.  If everyone just donated $5 that would probably be an incredible help.

Where do we donate?

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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by troj »

10 minutes ago, The 8-Bit Guy said:

Regardless of whether a crowd funding platform requires something or not, I have a reputation of integrity to uphold.  The last thing I want is people saying that the 8-Bit Guy took their money and didn't deliver on a promise.  However, I have been considering doing some sort of crowdfunding where it would literally just be asking for donations to keep this project alive.  An infusion of $20,000 with no requirement to repay it would go a LONG way to pushing this product out to the public.  $100,000 would guarantee a successful launch.   But that's a lot to ask.  I know there are several thousand people interested in this.  If everyone just donated $5 that would probably be an incredible help.

That's a reputation you've worked hard to build, and it can be destroyed in the blink of an eye with a crowdfunding campaign that goes sideways, despite your best efforts.

As far as project funding goes, I don't think it would hurt to ask if people would pitch in money to help fund the project, with zero obligation - purely a donation. I know I speak only for myself, but I would happily do so.

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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by Brad »

1 hour ago, Scott Robison said:

To be clear lest that be misunderstood: The "legal issues" are simply "a third party, …

I read that thread so I understand exactly what Perifractic was talking about. Not to be too snarky about it, but I wouldn't doubt we see some cases that look exactly like the X16 case on the market soon, knowing how Chinese companies feel about IP.

19 minutes ago, The 8-Bit Guy said:

If everyone just donated $5 that would probably be an incredible help.

I'm guessing everyone who posts on this board would donate $5, or more, and David could probably get the $100k he needs just by asking on his channel. Just show our names in the official docs or something.

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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by EMwhite »

Been trying to figure out how two major show-stopping technical problems (PS/2 kbd. and SD access) lead to as discussion on how it would be expensive to build a through-hole machine and suddenly X16 is out the window.  The answer is probably buried in one of the hundred+ posts that landed in the last 24 hrs.; I'm not a facebook or twitter user for a reason; it's just too much.

[redacted - keep comments helpful please]  It is now clear that a "hurry up and sell something" approach that would leverage a case-less (probably documentation-less) kit and might throw lots of software and tool chain development out the window; definitely NOT what was sold to the many interested that have been following the project.  Also, I already bought PETSCII Robots twice and while I like playing it with my 12 year old and do view it as a great piece of work, it's not exactly MacDraw/MacWrite that made the first Macintosh appealing.

Grabbing a microwave popcorn and cracking open a 25 oz. Budweiser to see how this ends.  I'm still interested, but less so.  (I didn't see a way to express this view in the poll)


John Chow Seymour
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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by John Chow Seymour »

Two Questions:


17 hours ago, The 8-Bit Guy said:

Uses a USB keyboard instead of PS/2.  and USB for controllers (so, no SNES ports)

Up until now, every time someone asked for (or, usually, complained about the lack of) USB on the X16, the answer was that supporting modern USB devices is complicated not only from a hardware standpoint but also from a programming standpoint.  SO my question is, will the X8 be harder to program for becasue its keyboard, mouse, and controller inputs use the more complicated USB?


I've never bought a case separate from the computer before, so maybe I have the wrong idea, but wasn't the Phase 1 board designed specifically to fit into a standard case size?  I thought "ATX" was like a standard size, made by a variety of different manufacturers.  Is it actually just one company's proprietary size? 

Setting aside the logos and color scheme, only the jackfield on the back panel needed to be customized (to fit the X16's specific I/O assortment)... right? 


aaaand, one comment:

EDIT: I removed the comment, the 8 Bit Guy himself already said it, while I was writing, and there's no need for me to repeat it again.


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Change of product direction, good and bad news!

Post by Davish47 »

I'm going to take a moment to be a cheerleader: 

You all are Awesome!!!

To the community, full of so much wisdom and passion: you are all Awesome!!!

To all the Devs (past, present, and yet to be) your Awesomeness is Epic!!! 

And to 8-bit Dave: your dream has  inspired so much imagination and innovative spirit: your Epic Awesomeness is Legend!!!!!

I have complete faith that the Commander X16 will be Most Excellent, and I'm happy to wait as long as it takes.

P.S. I pray we Never have to subject 8BG to another crowdfunding: he did a video about the last one...I am happy to contribute on Patreon(s) if it comes to that.
