
Discussion of the open source Monarch Open ROM.
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Post by TomXP411 »

Open ROM project on GitHub:

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Post by Wavicle »


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Post by kelli217 »

What are the ramifications of this project with respect to this forum's Rule 5?

Obviously the OS is 'just' an alternative to the existing ROMs. It could easily just be another page in the ROM banks.

But the HW, if it has the memory banking system, and especially if it has a register-compatible video output system, to the point that it's supposed to be able to run software written for R39... this is very much a clone system.

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Post by TomXP411 »

On 3/9/2022 at 10:36 PM, kelli217 said:

What are the ramifications of this project with respect to this forum's Rule 5?

Obviously the OS is 'just' an alternative to the existing ROMs. It could easily just be another page in the ROM banks.

But the HW, if it has the memory banking system, and especially if it has a register-compatible video output system, to the point that it's supposed to be able to run software written for R39... this is very much a clone system.

There was a long discussion about this on Discord. I'll summarize my thoughts. Scott was there, too, so he can weigh in if he wants. 

This is not a clone or substitute. This is an open system that superficially resembles the X16 as a starting point, but in the long run, it's going to be a new thing. 

My take on Rule 5 is twofold:

  1. we don't want people copying the CX16 ROMs and running them on clone systems, because this is basically piracy: they're not paying the royalty this way, and so Cloanto may revoke 8-Bit Production's license to incorporate KERNAL+BASIC into the CX16. 

  2. We don't want to see people's clone projects run up as competition for the Commander X16 and cannibalize sales from the CX16. 

So on the first issue: it was very clear that the ROMs would be new code. The folks talking about this are going to implement a new BIOS and Command Processor. This is not a KERNAL+BASIC system, but is instead going to be a BIOS+CCP system, like CP/M or DOS. As a result, there are no licensing issues with Cloanto, since Cloanto is simply not involved.

On the second issue: this will not be a 100% compatible clone of the CX16. Just based on the discussion in the Discord, the hardware already started to deviate, just based on things like "how to hook up the keyboard". This design won't run the Commander OS, since there were already numerous differences just in the Discord discussion. 


Scott Robison
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Post by Scott Robison »

I think that summary is correct. The intent is not to supplant CX16. It's just another system with similar but not identical objectives by people who want something to work on while we are experiencing the lull due to circumstances beyond our control. The single greatest difference will be the OS, but as time passes hardware designs will evolve just as the CX16 has evolved over time.


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Post by kelli217 »

I'll note that the post with the reference to the Monarch HW project has been edited and the link removed. And it was the HW project that I thought was the potential problem anyway. (I might not have made that clear in my earlier post in this thread.) My concerns are now fully assuaged. ? 

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