r41 Release Candidates

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r41 Release Candidates

Post by TomXP411 »

On 5/8/2022 at 11:41 PM, Michael Steil said:

These are only dead keys in ISO mode, not in PETSCII mode. I'd assume users will be mostly in PETSCII mode for programming, and in ISO mode for productivity?

I would also assume ISO mode would be used for ANSI terminal software and any program written for a non-CBM 6502 system, such as Apple or BBC Micro programs. 


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r41 Release Candidates

Post by rje »


  • Changed auto-boot filename from AUTOBOOT.X16* to AUTOBOOT.X16

Oh, this is neat!  Thank you.


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r41 Release Candidates

Post by BruceMcF »

On 5/9/2022 at 2:41 AM, Michael Steil said:

These are only dead keys in ISO mode, not in PETSCII mode. I'd assume users will be mostly in PETSCII mode for programming, and in ISO mode for productivity?

As an option, they are handy either way ... but for people used to typing with standard US keyboards, the constant typos when used to using ' and " as live keys is going to be there in productivity applications as well.

If someone were to port Nick Gammon's G-Pascal, which in the 80's had a C64 version but which has been revived for systems like Ben Eater's breadboard computer, I'd expect they would port the modern version and program in ISO mode.

And while the work-around of allowing PETSCII £ to work as ISO \ makes it possible to have a ANSI Standard Forth which can be used in PETSCII mode, it would not be surprising if users coming to it with previous Forth programming experience would opt for the greater familiarity offered by operating in ISO mode.

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r41 Release Candidates

Post by mobluse »

On 5/9/2022 at 8:40 AM, Michael Steil said:

The keymaps are direct conversions of the official Windows .klc files. Can you check whether what you know from Linux is part of


If yes, we have a bug. If no, we have to decide whether we want to have these Linux additions.

It's not a bug, but Linux additions which give more characters from ISO8859-15 on the keyboard (œ, Œ, ï, and Ï) and easier access to some that exist (' and ") without removing any characters since ´ and ¨ doesn't exist in ISO8859-15.

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r41 Release Candidates

Post by mobluse »

There seems to be a bug in R41 RC in Linux (Raspberry Pi OS Buster) concerning automatic line breaks when you run a simple test program in SCREEN 6 (20x15 text mode). Each third line is blank when it prints 4 digit numbers. You can hold down Ctrl to make it scroll slower.


60 N=0


80 N=N+1

90 GOTO 70

This was fixed in some earlier experiment:

Paste the program after SCREEN 0 or SCREEN 3, because when you paste in SCREEN 6 mode the program is corrupted and only some lines are retained. This seems to be another bug.
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r41 Release Candidates

Post by mobluse »


SCREEN accept -1 as argument (was: $FF)

SCREEN -1 doesn't work here in Linux (Raspberry Pi OS Buster) when compiled now from current source.


don't reset screen colors on mode switch

SCREEN $FF works, but changes the colors to default (white on blue) instead of keeping the colors like it does when you use SCREEN 3 or SCREEN 6. I tried to use SCREEN $FF in order to make a version that works both in R38 and R41 and later.

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Michael Steil
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r41 Release Candidates

Post by Michael Steil »

On 5/10/2022 at 8:45 PM, mobluse said:

There seems to be a bug in R41 RC in Linux (Raspberry Pi OS Buster) concerning automatic line breaks when you run a simple test program in SCREEN 6 (20x15 text mode). Each third line is blank when it prints 4 digit numbers. You can hold down Ctrl to make it scroll slower.


60 N=0


80 N=N+1

90 GOTO 70

Not a regression, but a problem with r40, too. Filed https://github.com/commanderx16/x16-rom/issues/319

Michael Steil
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r41 Release Candidates

Post by Michael Steil »

On 5/10/2022 at 10:11 PM, mobluse said:

SCREEN -1 doesn't work here in Linux (Raspberry Pi OS Buster) when compiled now from current source.

SCREEN $FF works, but changes the colors to default (white on blue) instead of keeping the colors like it does when you use SCREEN 3 or SCREEN 6. I tried to use SCREEN $FF in order to make a version that works both in R38 and R41 and later.

Can you check with r41rc1? I just tested these again and they work for me.

Michael Steil
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r41 Release Candidates

Post by Michael Steil »

On 5/7/2022 at 7:11 PM, mobluse said:

There are some more characters in ISO8859-15 that are on the US International keyboard in Linux "setxkbmap us intl" and "setxkbmap us altgr-intl":

œŒ on xX and kK with Alt Gr, ïÏ on jJ. It's a bit strange that œŒ are on two keys.

US-International keyboard layout (Linux) also has ®® on vV and ëË on rR. I think one should at least have ®® also on vV since it is unused now, and that would open the opportunity to have ëË on rR later.

When using "setxkbmap us intl" in Linux you can type ' using AltGr+' and " using AltGr+Shift+'. I think this is better than ' followed by space and Shift+' followed by space which are the only alternatives in Windows with US-International to type ' and ".

Filed https://github.com/commanderx16/x16-rom/issues/320 (for post r41).

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r41 Release Candidates

Post by mobluse »

On 5/11/2022 at 12:43 PM, Michael Steil said:

Can you check with r41rc1? I just tested these again and they work for me.

SCREEN -1 and SCREEN $FF work now as they should when I use the current source from GitHub in Raspberry Pi OS Buster. I can not test r41rc1 in Raspberry Pi  OS since it is not compiled for ARM and there is no source.

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