X16 liveliness - a heart-felt thankyou

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X16 liveliness - a heart-felt thankyou

Post by ZeroByte »

The activity here on the forums has been increased as of late, and the Discord server is particularly active. Anyone not participating there may not be aware of the rapid advancements that are going on with the recent collaborations there.

Overall, I'd have to say that things are starting to feel much more positive with the X16 project and community, and I just wanted to take a moment to recognize a few individuals who I think have really helped make this happen.

A huge thanks to M. Steil for getting the Github Repo active again and being so approachable for patches and PRs to improve the kernal and emulator.

Thanks to Tom, Scott, and all of the others who have picked up the ball in maintaining this website and forums!

Thanks to Frank for opensourcing the VERA code - this has helped the emulator/kernal devs tremendously, and has even helped identify and patch a bug in the FPGA's sprite rendering

Wavicle and Jeffrey H. have both been producing their own home-brew X16-on-a-breadboard projects, which have also helped in the general debugging of issues and brought new insights to the community and dev team.

There are many others active on the Discord, and it's quite an upbeat place to be these days, and I just wanted to share my excitement for the state of the union, so to speak.

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X16 liveliness - a heart-felt thankyou

Post by TomXP411 »

Yes. @Michael Steil deserves a medal for his hard work, and @Frank van den Hoef single-handedly revitalized the project when he open-sourced VERA. The fact that we're seeing homebrew breadboard implementations is simply amazing!


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X16 liveliness - a heart-felt thankyou

Post by ZeroByte »

Another shout-out to @StephenHornfor the excellent Box16 emulator - it's a god-send for me in my sound debugging endeavors.

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X16 liveliness - a heart-felt thankyou

Post by desertfish »

I agree.

I hang out in the discord too I find it a nice place to be. As a commander x16 head or just a retro computing enthusiast in general. Quite a few things going on there, likewise here on the forum ?


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