3d wire frame animated spaceship

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3d wire frame animated spaceship

Post by desertfish »

3d animated Cobra MK3 ship from Elite!  Uses 16 bits integer math and has hidden-line removal..

This is an almost 1-to-1 conversion of the same program I wrote for the C64, but it runs a lot faster on the CommanderX16 ?

Here is the (prog8) source code https://github.com/irmen/prog8/blob/master/examples/cx16/cobramk3-gfx.p8


I haven't figured out how to wait for the Vertical blank yet, to reduce the flickering perhaps...

Hidden line removal added


3d wire frame animated spaceship
3d wire frame animated spaceship
Screenshot_20200910_013222.png (26.68 KiB) Viewed 720 times
3d wire frame animated spaceship
3d wire frame animated spaceship
Screenshot_20200910_013222.png (8.22 KiB) Viewed 720 times
3d wire frame animated spaceship
3d wire frame animated spaceship
Screenshot_20200910_013222.png (7.86 KiB) Viewed 720 times
3d wire frame animated spaceship
3d wire frame animated spaceship
Screenshot_20200907_035540.png (7.27 KiB) Viewed 720 times
3d wire frame animated spaceship
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3d wire frame animated spaceship
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3d wire frame animated spaceship
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3d wire frame animated spaceship
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