Julia Set Assembly Demo

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Julia Set Assembly Demo

Post by gavinhaslehurst »

Here is my work in progress Julia Set demo! I wrote this in BASIC a couple of weeks ago when starting out on the Commander X16 journey. Since then, I have been trying to learn 6502 assembler. This is the result so far! After wrestling with floating point arithmetic (see my other posts!) I have finally managed to get something working. At the moment, the output is PETSCII, but all being well there will be a graphical version of this in the pipeline. Feel free to muck about with the code. It's probably not written very well, but I have only been doing this for a couple of weeks ? (and despite being badly written, it's much faster than the BASIC version!)

Many thanks to all the experienced forum users who commented on my previous posts to help guide me through this process, as well as the many YouTubers who posted tutorials about how to program the 6502. 

Watch this space for updates! 

Some things you can poke around in to change the parameters: 

POKE $0D30, X    -- change the REAL component (this is passed as an integer but can be divided by ten a number of times to achieve smaller numbers - see below) 

POKE $0D36, X    -- the number of times to divide the REAL component by 10 (in order to get around the lack of FIN in the Kernal at present) 

POKE $0D34, $00    -- make the REAL component positive

POKE $0D34, $FF    -- make the REAL component negative 

POKE $0D32, X    -- change the IMAG component (this is passed as an integer but can be divided by ten a number of times to achieve smaller numbers - see below) 

POKE $0D37, X    -- the number of times to divide the IMAG component by 10 (in order to get around the lack of FIN in the Kernal at present) 

POKE $0D35, $00    -- make the IMAG component positive

POKE $0D35, $FF    -- make the IMAG component negative 

Julia Set Assembly Demo
Julia Set Assembly Demo
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Julia Set Assembly Demo
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Julia Set Assembly Demo
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