DMS-250 Switch Operating System

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DMS-250 Switch Operating System

Post by rje »

This is a pale imitation of the DMS-250 SOS command line.

It's based on a Perl script I wrote many years ago.  It has a little bit of training value -- you can set the boot files for a switch and then do a restart.  That's something you couldn't "practice" in the olden days without booking time on a switch.  There's also a rudimentary TTP layer, if you know how to get to that.

It's fairly ridiculous, except for nostalgia value.

It does very little, and requires that you know DMS-250 SOS already.

* you can enter DISKUTIL

* from DISKUTIL, you can LV 0, LF on the images, and do elementary CBF and SBF commands.

* you can do a restart reload, restart cold, and restart warm (that's how you log out)

* you can go to TTP and post a trunk.  You can then bsy, offl, or rts it.


DMS-250 Switch Operating System
DMS-250 Switch Operating System
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DMS-250 Switch Operating System
DMS-250 Switch Operating System
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DMS-250 Switch Operating System
DMS-250 Switch Operating System
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DMS-250 Switch Operating System
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DMS-250 Switch Operating System
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DMS-250 Switch Operating System
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DMS-250 Switch Operating System
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DMS-250 Switch Operating System
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DMS-250 Switch Operating System
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