Commander X16 ports of existing games and software

All aspects of programming on the Commander X16.
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Re: Commander X16 ports of existing games and software

Post by Retroplayer »

StephenHorn wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 5:06 am Well, it's easy enough to math out the best-case transfer rate:
  1. The fastest lda that's practical for large data transfers is 4 cycles, ditto the only real sta selection. So that's 8 cycles/byte at the fastest, not counting overhead from loops. You can sort of blit while the screen is active, except that in practice this is going to produce weird visual effects on the VERA because writing to memory shares FPGA cycles with drawing. So while the VERA will let you blit any time, we really should limit blitting to the VBLANK interval.
  2. The VERA technically draws an 800x525 display (the excess beyond its 640x480 resolution is HBLANK and VBLANK, respectively, which are meaningful for signaling and timing but not for drawing). We technically could blit during HBLANK, but the timing is a bit tight. If we only count VBLANK, that's 45 lines out of 525.
  3. The CPU is running at 8MHz, divided by 60fps is 133,333.33 cycles/frame, times 45/525 is 11,428.57 cycles/VBLANK, divided by 8 is 1,428.57 bytes transferred, minus whatever overhead you lose from copy setup and branching logic (which will be significant). And, of course, whatever else needs to be transferred during that interval outside of blitting.
It seems like recently there have been a few suggestions to port several games from well into the 90s to the X16, without considering that it was envisaged more as a late 70s-decade computer, and only coincidentally reaches beyond that because the VERA is basically a late-80s card, and the supercharged clock rate of the X16's CPU gives it the oomph to drive it in ways that can recreate some 16-bit graphics.

But like the TurboGrafx-16 (or PC Engine for our Asiatic members), the reality is that this is still more 8-bit than 16-bit. The lack of DMA as a standard component is crippling to the system's ability to blit graphics -- imagine if that 1,400 bytes figure were closer to matching the 11,400 cycles/VBLANK figure. Now that'd be some blitting power. But without DMA, I really think it's important to think of the VERA more as the place where you're going to preload your assets, rather than blitting them in real-time.

To use Streets of Rage as an example, I'm going to ballpark sprites at 48x64 in size, meaning you'll probably draw them as a column of two 32x32s plus a column of four 16x16s (plus or minus certain special cases where you can choose to use fewer sprites and make more efficient use of that VRAM). Assuming those were authored to 4bpp, that's 1,536 bytes/sprite, which means you could fit 84 sprites into VRAM, not counting memory for background tiles.

In practice that means you'll probably be stuck with 60-ish sprites in VRAM. I think that's "not horrible", as long as you're clever about your background tiling and assets. You'll definitely need to get creative about animation, because I'd probably shoot for 12-ish frames of animation per enemy, total, and maybe 24 frames total for the entire moveset of the player (walk, punch, jump, dive kick, grab/throw, ouch, fall over, flip, etc). You might even lose a few frames to make room for hit sparkles and other smaller VFX. But that would allow for 3 types of enemies on-screen at once and a robust moveset for the player. As for cycling enemies around, that'd be done during moments where the big flashing "THAT WAY" arrow is happening and there are no enemies on-screen -- assuming you're able to hit half the theoretical bandwidth (a bit of a big "if", but I'm spitballing), that's roughly half a sprite per frame, so replacing all three enemies would run 64 frames -- just over 1 second of mandatory downtime between encounters. If you plan for 5-6 seconds of walking/loading between encounters, you should be able to comfortably "stream in" assets even without DMA.

So it'll take a lot of planning, but I think you could get there at a reasonable fidelity. It's not impossible. People should be impressed if someone goes and does it. Probably even more impressed than they likely will be. :P
Good explanation. Based on your answer, I think the x16 will be fine for small games that doesn't use a lot of sprite frames. The problem is the 128k vram and the insufficient transfer of data during vblank. Games like final fight or streets of rage which feature plenty of large sprites on screen won't be possible.

Game consoles of the 80s used cartridge roms so it was able to stream data to vram almost instantly. The x16 doesn't have dma blitters so this really is the bottleneck of the system. The x16 cant utilize the full capability of the vera chip.
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Re: Commander X16 ports of existing games and software

Post by BruceRMcF »

Retroplayer wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:23 pm ... The x16 cant utilize the full capability of the vera chip.
This part is pretty much automatically true. Rather than the X16 being designed around using the full capacity of Vera, Vera was designed to be a capable video display chip for an 8MHz, 65C02 64KB memory map system. If the 65C02 wasn't the bottleneck, it would mean that Vera was the bottleneck, and ought to be redesigned to eliminate the bottleneck.

Indeed, where Vera turned out to present a bottleneck, in accessing registers through the data ports as well as accessing video assets through the data ports, that was in fact redesigned, to increase the bus register map from eight registers to 32 register.
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Re: Commander X16 ports of existing games and software

Post by StephenHorn »

Retroplayer wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:23 pm Good explanation. Based on your answer, I think the x16 will be fine for small games that doesn't use a lot of sprite frames. The problem is the 128k vram and the insufficient transfer of data during vblank. Games like final fight or streets of rage which feature plenty of large sprites on screen won't be possible.

Game consoles of the 80s used cartridge roms so it was able to stream data to vram almost instantly. The x16 doesn't have dma blitters so this really is the bottleneck of the system. The x16 cant utilize the full capability of the vera chip.
For games with intense asset requirements, the key is going to be planning. I just described how Streets of Rage's core gameplay would actually be plausible within the 128K limitation of the VERA. Bosses would just require additional planning -- the boss probably consumes two enemy types' worth of sprites because they're larger and/or have more animation cells. And if the boss is supposed to spawn mooks, then you're limited to one type of mook. Note that I'm talking about types of enemies, not instances. If two or more enemies are using the same set of sprites, you can just share the sprite data.
Developer for Box16, the other X16 emulator. (Box16 on GitHub)
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Re: Commander X16 ports of existing games and software

Post by Retroplayer »

StephenHorn wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 7:58 pm
Retroplayer wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:23 pm Good explanation. Based on your answer, I think the x16 will be fine for small games that doesn't use a lot of sprite frames. The problem is the 128k vram and the insufficient transfer of data during vblank. Games like final fight or streets of rage which feature plenty of large sprites on screen won't be possible.

Game consoles of the 80s used cartridge roms so it was able to stream data to vram almost instantly. The x16 doesn't have dma blitters so this really is the bottleneck of the system. The x16 cant utilize the full capability of the vera chip.
For games with intense asset requirements, the key is going to be planning. I just described how Streets of Rage's core gameplay would actually be plausible within the 128K limitation of the VERA. Bosses would just require additional planning -- the boss probably consumes two enemy types' worth of sprites because they're larger and/or have more animation cells. And if the boss is supposed to spawn mooks, then you're limited to one type of mook. Note that I'm talking about types of enemies, not instances. If two or more enemies are using the same set of sprites, you can just share the sprite data.
Yes, I agree that the x16 can do virtually any sprite based game as long as it's limitations are managed even if it means cutting out a lot of features to have smaller sprites, or accepting choppy animations.

For instance, if someone were to make a streets of rage for the x16, it would resemble the sega master system version rather than the sega genesis. Smaller sprites, choppier animations, etc. Which is totally fine.
For games with intense asset requirements, the key is going to be planning. I just described how Streets of Rage's core gameplay would actually be plausible within the 128K limitation of the VERA.
You should take a look at the sprite sheets for the streets of rage games. There are a lot of animation frames for just one character.

Assuming only 16 colors are used, there's about 3.4 320x240 screens worth of data. The first screen is mostly used for 256 tiles which means you have about 2.4 screens left over. For games that use a lot of large animated sprites, no amount of planning is going to work. Which means you have to use smaller sprites, and use less frames for animations.

So I think the X16 isn't really designed for games that feature a lot of large animated sprites like a Streets of Rage or Street Fighter 2. I could see RPG games being fine for the X16 since sprite data can be loaded as it transitions to a battle screen.
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