The first section just creates a 255 byte sequential file that we can use for testing.
Starting at line 200, the program opens a sequential file named "TEST.TXT"
210 opens the command channel (secondary address 15. I use 15 as the channel number, just to keep things consistent.)
220 just shows the read pointer is at the beginning of the file
240 actually seeks to index 20 in the file (since 0 is the first byte, this will read "21")
270-280: Remember to close your channels!
100 OPEN 1,8,2,"@:TEST.TXT,S,W"
110 FOR I=1 TO 255
120 PRINT#1,CHR$(I);
130 NEXT
140 CLOSE 1
200 OPEN 1,8,2,"TEST.TXT,S,R"
210 OPEN 15,8,15
220 GET#1,A$
240 PRINT#15, "P"+CHR$(2)+CHR$(20)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0)+CHR$(0);
250 GET#1,A$
270 CLOSE 1
280 CLOSE 15