Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by rje »

Last month I was writing a little routine to print numbers in hex, and I got stuck.  Today I picked it up and realized that I was very close to a solution, but surely someone has already solved this problem.  And indeed, Steve Wozniak gave me valuable pointers in his wozmon.txt file... in particular:

  • PUSH the value onto the stack to save the cycles of having to LDA later.

  • Use ORA instead of ADC for the initial add, and use a BCC when testing for a digit.

That second point proved to be the key to solving my code problem.  At any rate, here's my working code:

; Prints an 8 bit value in hex.
; Author:               Robert Eaglestone with valuable advice from Steve Wozniak
; More Info:            wozmon.txt
; System:               Commander X16
; Version:              Emulator R.37
; Compiler:             CC65
; Build using:  cl65 -t cx16 hex.s -C cx16-asm.cfg -o HEX.PRG
chrout          = $ffd2         ; Commodore Kernal RULES!
.org    $8000
.export LOADADDR = *

; $8000
value:          .byte 0         ; 0-255

; $8001
Main:           lda value
                pha             ; save A for LSD
print_hi:       ;
                ; print the high nybble
                lsr             ; shift right four bits
                jsr hex
print_lo:       ;
                ; print the low nybble
                pla             ; fetch for LSD
                and #$0f
                ora #$30        ; i.e. "0"
                cmp #$3a        ; digit?
                bcc echo        ; yes
                adc #6          ; add offset for A
                jsr chrout      ; print it


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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by desertfish »

I'm using this, with a lookup table to save some cycles.   Input in A, returns the two digits in A and Y.

and #$0f
ldy _hex_digits,x
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lda _hex_digits,x

_hex_digits .text "0123456789abcdef"

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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by SerErris »

21 hours ago, desertfish said:

I'm using this, with a lookup table to save some cycles.   Input in A, returns the two digits in A and Y.

and #$0f
ldy _hex_digits,x
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lsr a
lda _hex_digits,x

_hex_digits .text "0123456789abcdef"

Yep, that is the easiest to use and understand, however Steves version is shorter. It is using the trick that the letters follow the numbers .. great idea. 

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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by rje »

Excellent solution, desertfish!

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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by SerErris »

That solution was btw already in Jim Butterfields excellent Book on Programming 6502 (10 and all the derivates). Cannot recommend it enough if you want to dive into Machine Language on 6502.

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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by TomXP411 »

On 8/29/2020 at 2:54 PM, SerErris said:

Yep, that is the easiest to use and understand, however Steves version is shorter. It is using the trick that the letters follow the numbers .. great idea. 

I think desertfish's version is likely to be faster, and it's certainly more legible... but there's definitely an elegance to Butterfield's method. 

As to space... it's only about 8 bytes difference, and as it's the textbook method (literally... this is how we were taught to do it back in 1984), I still prefer the lookup method. 

However... I can't help but be impressed when I see Wozniak break at least three rules of software engineering... and yet the program is perfectly suited for its use. 

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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by SerErris »

6 minutes ago, TomXP411 said:

I think SerErris's version is likely to be faster, and it's certainly more legible... but there's definitely an elegance to Butterfield's method. 

As to space... it's only about 8 bytes difference, and as it's the textbook method (literally... this is how we were taught to do it back in 1984), I still prefer the lookup method. 

However... I can't help but be impressed when I see Butterfield break at least three rules of software engineering... and yet the program is perfectly suited for its use. 

Thanks for the flowers, but non of the examples was from me ? Credits go to rje (I assume you mean his approach).

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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by rje »

8 bytes no longer matters, I think it's safe to say, although I more often feel the pull towards smaller trumps faster... even though context is king.  Was it Knuth who said you should have both (a) a fast routine and (b) an efficient routine handy?   (I don't think it was Knuth.  It was someone like that tho.)

Will acquire a copy of Butterfield's book.  Thank you.


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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by TomXP411 »

2 hours ago, SerErris said:

Thanks for the flowers, but non of the examples was from me ? Credits go to rje (I assume you mean his approach)

Actually, I was referring to the lookup table method, which desertfish posted first in this thread. My code is a little different, but does essentially the same thing. 

51 minutes ago, rje said:

8 bytes no longer matters, I think it's safe to say, although I more often feel the pull towards smaller trumps faster... even though context is king.

That's the important thing to remember. Sometimes you need 8 more  bytes of RAM. Sometimes you need 30 clock cycles. I'd probably make a different choice on a VIC-20 than I'd make on a Commodore 128 - one has only 4K of RAM, but the other one has a slower execution speed. 


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Printing Hex values, with thanks to Woz

Post by BruceMcF »

If you are worried about execution speed and have the C128 down as slower than the Vic-20, you are using the wrong video mode, time to crank the C128 up to 2MH.

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