I started the emulator using:
./x16emu -rom ../rom.bin -rtc -echo
I use the command MENU and navigate to TIME AND DATE and then everything is right except WEEKDAY which is Monday even though it is Saturday. This is a separate issue:
I saved the settings from MENU (I only changed KEYMAP "EN-GB") and then did LOAD AUTOBOOT.X16 and LIST. It contains POKE for the same address twice with different values and that I don't understand the point of since the latter overwrites the first:
Code: Select all
0 COLOR$01,$06
2 POKE$9F29,$21
3 POKE$9F2A,$80
4 POKE$9F2B,$80
5 POKE$9F2C,$00
6 POKE$9F25,$02
7 POKE$9F29,$00
8 POKE$9F2A,$A0
9 POKE$9F2B,$00
10 POKE$9F2C,$F0
11 POKE$9F25,$00
12 KEYMAP"EN-GB"::::
13 NEW