X16 keycap stickers

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X16 keycap stickers

Post by jjgignac »

On 1/13/2021 at 8:49 AM, EMwhite said:

Can you provide a snippet of code, just so we can marvel at how complex it is.  It doesn't have to work by itself, just curious to see it (I too had a PostScript book in the 90s and recall 'throwing' code at our AppleLaser printer, but nothing like this!). Well done!


I'll clean it up a bit then post the whole thing today.

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X16 keycap stickers

Post by jjgignac »

On 1/13/2021 at 8:49 AM, EMwhite said:

Can you provide a snippet of code, just so we can marvel at how complex it is.  It doesn't have to work by itself, just curious to see it (I too had a PostScript book in the 90s and recall 'throwing' code at our AppleLaser printer, but nothing like this!). Well done!


I've attached the entire file, cleaned up nicely.  But here's a small snippet, as requested:



34 outline

(@)(2)(Wht)(Brn) digit-key

34 outline

(#)(3)(Red)(L.Red) digit-key

34 outline

($)(4)(Cyn)(D.Gry) digit-key

34 outline


  0.6 setgray

  newpath 25 8 4 60 300 arc stroke

  20 9.3 moveto 26 9.3 lineto stroke

  20 7.3 moveto 26 7.3 lineto stroke


(%)(5)(Pur)(M.Gry) digit-key




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Re: X16 keycap stickers

Post by kakemoms »

Anyone has this keycap stickers image stored. Seems to be missing from the post.
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Re: X16 keycap stickers

Post by TomXP411 »

All inline attachments prior to this year have to be recovered manually. I can recover files by hand when needed.

I have attached the original PS and PNG files to the original post.
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Re: X16 keycap stickers

Post by mobluse »

The key called SHIFT LOCK actually works as CAPS LOCK; at least in the x16emu emulator. On C64 SHIFT LOCK really worked as SHIFT LOCK, e.g. SHIFT LOCK 1 was !.
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Re: X16 keycap stickers

Post by DragWx »

Yep, "shift lock" was literally a switch that made the keyboard behave like the left shift key was constantly held down.

Even on the CX16, it acts as a modern caps lock instead -- the kernal sees it as a regular key press, keeps track of whether caps lock mode should be on or off, and is responsible for figuring out which keys are supposed to be affected by it. So the label is technically wrong. :P
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