TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

I've been lurking on this thread..... Most of my work here has been in BASIC. But I'm thinking of graduating :) ....lol
The tileeditor is absolutely necessary
If you'd like to try working in C, the example folder has 2 small examples for loading Tiles/Tilemaps into VERA using cc65
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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

I just uploaded version 1.6.50
(Edit: Just uploaded v1.6.53. Brushes are centered around mouse cursor and a small bugfix in the example folder)
(Edit2: And now v1.6.55, with a small bugfix)

Copy/Paste/Clipboards now work on any shape of Selection.
Plus there's a new tool in "Edit->Sprite Tools" to create a copy of the current Sprite, but converted to the other BPP.

Other than code cleanup and optimisations, I'm now fresh out of ideas : )

Here's a screenshot of the new Copy/Paste in action
Screenshot from 2023-06-27 11-27-23.png
Screenshot from 2023-06-27 11-27-23.png (28.93 KiB) Viewed 86104 times
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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

Just uploaded v1.6.58 where you can now change the position, in relation to the mouse cursor, of Brushes/Clipboard Selections by pressing "B".
This is for easy access when using Brushes/Selections near the corners of Tiles/Maps/etc.
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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

Just uploaded a small cosmetic update. The Dear ImGui Color Theme can now be changed in "File->Settings".

Here's a screenshot of the Light Theme
Screenshot from 2023-06-28 22-32-09.png
Screenshot from 2023-06-28 22-32-09.png (44.71 KiB) Viewed 86045 times
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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

I just uploaded a cosmetic update, where I'm trying to make Tile/Sprite Frame/Palette Pixel selection more clear, when using different Dear ImGui themes.

Apart from color changes the Tile/Sprite Frame position has been padded a few pixel to resolve a bug where the Selection Rects got cut around the edges/corners of the windows.

I'm still not entirely sure about the colors, so if you think something is completely off please let me know.

Also the affected colors can be changed in "tilemaped.ini". The format is ABGR as a 32 bit unsigned int. However the INI file saves the values as signed int, so it's necessary to convert using Two's complement. ("0xFFFFFF00" is saved as -256, etc)

I just uploaded an update where there's a "Colors" menu in the settings for changing Theme Colors.
(Due to some issues with the code structure the menu is only available when a project is loaded)
Screenshot from 2023-07-03 12-54-05.png
Screenshot from 2023-07-03 12-54-05.png (117.02 KiB) Viewed 85990 times
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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

Just uploaded an update where the "Colors" menu is available without having a project loaded.

Also there may have been some bugs when closing/opening many projects without closing the program, which should be fixed now.
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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

I just uploaded dev test version 1.7.43.

The code has gone through a major refactoring and clean up.
All "standard" dialogs have been rewritten using a new set of abstraction classes for Dear ImGui.

TileSet and Sprite Frames Scale has been tweaked, including a new Setting, "Min Tile/Frame Scale", which alongside "Max Grid Width" gives a greater control over Tile/Frame preview image sizes.

I've removed a few bugs, but given the amount of code that I've changed I almost certainly have introduced some new ones.
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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

After some more tweaking I've uploaded the code as Version 1.8.0 RC1

I haven't done extensive testing, but I've loaded the example projects and tested most dialogs and everything seems to be working as expected.

for more information checkout the GitHub releases page.
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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

After a bit more tweaking, cleaning and testing I've uploaded version 1.8.0.

Besides rewriting the dialogs I've changed the way the editor handles "Editor States". Before it was just a gigantic switch/case which has been replaced by a std::map<int, std::function> where each "case" has been moved to its own "state function".
Whenever a dialog action is confirmed like "Import Tile" or "Create Sprite" the corresponding "state function" is executed from the map.
This makes it a lot easier to add new "states" and makes the code more readable.
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Re: TilemapEd, Tilemap editor for the X16

Post by Dacobi »

I just uploaded version 1.8.6, with some minor tweaks.
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