Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest (Now finished, see Downloads)

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This section is for testing Commander X16 programs and programs related to the CX16 for other platforms (compilers, data conversion tools, etc.)

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Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest (Now finished, see Downloads)

Post by Toboter »

Hi everyone, I made a 3d roguelike for the X16, and would appreciate if someone could playtest it and give feedback.
There isn't any sound yet, I'll probably add that later.

If you play it, please leave a comment (or DM) about how your playthrough went.

Have fun!

Try It Now!
Screenshot 2023-10-14 211423.png
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Last edited by Toboter on Thu Nov 09, 2023 11:40 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest

Post by voidstar »

Neat to see this coming along from scratch! I did a couple levels and didn't run any runtime issues. Neat that you can drop stuff anywhere (that can make for puzzles later) and pick it back up.

Yeah, lack of sound makes the combat a little odd - did I hit or not? Could they get darker a bit as they got hit? And someday, maybe they can become a pool of ooze on the floor once defeated (like a permanent dropped object?).
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Re: Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest

Post by Toboter »

Great to hear nothing broke!
Corpses are a good idea, that should be easy to add. Sound is in the works rn, but that'll take a while. I hope that'll clear up some of the confusion.
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Re: Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest

Post by Toboter »

New Version!

Added monster corpses, different effects if you hit a monster vs. if you don't, and a compass above the playfield.
Last edited by Toboter on Tue Oct 17, 2023 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest

Post by voidstar »

Love the ooze left over bodies! haha

And I like the compass update - but i can see some people might not like it. It helped for me, because sometimes I press Q or E, but maybe I don't press hard enough and it doesn't actually turn. So this helps confirm that I actually did "take a turn" or did a move.

Another idea --- what if the mini-map left a trail on places you've already been? that might be pretty neat, or maybe it doesn't do this until you pick up a particular item or something.
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Re: Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest

Post by Toboter »

I could do that, but that's a bit more difficult. It'd require a bunch of extra VRAM accesses, and an addition to the level struct to save the maps between floors. I guess it's technically possible, but certainly not as straightforward as corpses (which are just a decoration object without any functionality). We'll see.

Btw, to everyone else that downloaded it, what do y'all think? How far did you get, how do you feel about the game?
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Re: Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest

Post by kelli217 »

I thought it was cool!

Ok, really, I'm not a gamer. Board games, card games, flight simulators, and that's about it as far as it usually goes for me. Dungeon crawls are not my speed. But this looks well put together. I was able to get pretty far, which I think means it's pretty welcoming to newbies.

I kind of wished you supported joy0 rather than rolling your own keyboard handler, but I get that the placement of the 'shoulder' buttons on joy0 are kind of awkward, so I can see why you'd go WASD and use Q and E.
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Re: Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest

Post by Toboter »

New version!

Added cursor key control scheme and sound effects
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Re: Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest

Post by Toboter »

New version!
Added true ending, and a few more secret areas!
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Re: Vault of the Vindicator: Playtest

Post by Toboter »

Yet another version.
Improved tutorialization.
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