Hello From Alabama!

Come in and say hi. Let us know a little about you and where you heard about the Commander X16 or this forum.
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Joined: Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:42 am

Hello From Alabama!

Post by BrokenAnsible »

Long time watcher of the 8-bit Guy YT channel and I finally decided to join the forum.

Been using PCs since my Grandmother bought me the Tandy 1000 EX from a quadriplegic man who was upgrading to an XT. He used it for software that read his eye movements to do a text typing. He was on a budget so we bought it in 1990 even though it was years out of date. It broke after some time and I managed to convince her to get me a McDuffs Victor 300/SX which is effectively a variant of the Tandy 2500 RSX. I still have that one!

Fast forward about 30 hand built PCs later and a decades long career is software development and I am starting to yearn for the better days that I completely took for granted wanting to always upgrade to something new and fancy as a teen.

I'm interested in setting up some development tools on one of my humble Dell work stations and bringing up a Commander X16 development environment and see where the wind takes me. I am planning on pre-ordering a dev board for the feb shipment. I've been thinking about making an NES game but this seems like it would be more fun!

Thanks to everyone that has supported this dream so far!

Posts: 146
Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2023 8:04 pm

Re: Hello From Alabama!

Post by GTR3QQ »

sweet, sweet, Alabama!
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