On 9/10/2020 at 9:08 PM, geek504 said:
That’s why I am wanting the X16 to be at least 20MHz! We could do so much with that
SuperCPUv2 |
Processor: |
WDC 65C816S |
Architecture: |
8/16-bit |
Clock Speed: |
20 MHz |
Opcodes: |
Documented 6510 opcodes only |
But you can't make a clock to clock comparison, since the SuperCPU was still bottlenecked to a certain degree by the 1MHz system bus. A hypothetical CX16 DMA card can talk to the Vera registers at 8MHz, while the SuperCPU can only store to the RAM that the VIC can see at 1MHz. While designing the FPGA for the DMA, pick one with built in 16x16->32 multiply and include a scaled */ register setup for 16x16->32/16->16 operations. That avoids needing all of that tabled operation ROM.
Then alternate between turn off layer 0 and build in layer 0 and turn off layer 1, build in layer 1 Switch layers in VRefresh it should certainly be flicker free. Whatever resolution / color depth cannot support two bitmapped
And you get another level of effort reduction if you animate enemies and their cover onto sprites, since you can animate rising to fire or turning to call for help the same way with palette color games allowing the same animation to have enemies with different features and the higher priority sprite automatically masking whatever is being covered by the door frame, overturned table, etc, so that doesn't have to be blitted.
Indeed, don't get trapped in bitmap-only assumptions. Plenty of dungeon crawlers will rely on the 1024 16x16 tiles available. 15 tiles spans a 320x240 top to bottom, one will be the wall to ceiling corner, the ones below it the wall at that distance, the ones above it the ceiling progressively closer as you go up the screen. In a normal level the ceiling might only have the occasional water stain, so most ceiling tiles in a row duplicated. Similar for a walls and doorways. Then you have a handful of distinctive features for the ceiling or the walls, and those need to have the current version, the next and the previous ... as they come closer maybe multiple tilemaps ... but as you advance or retreat, you only have to update one tile set or tile at a time after a POV move has moved, and you are always updating not-in-display tilemaps, so that is not limited to VBlank.
That DOES NOT move you closer to executing a DOOM wad ... your POV needs to be a stable height above the immediate floor level for those to work ... and it constrains detail that isn't being added by terrain sprites ... but it seems like there's a lot of vertically scaled dungeon crawler game design to be explored in that space. Working on tiles in one layer while displaying the other will give much higher framerates than the equivalent bitmap approach.