For sure! And the X16 lets us toy around with the 20x15 resolution
But I just had a thought - on a "software RNG" (that doesn't use RTC or any clock), the random-seed and random-sequence is very predictable. Has anyone ever used that sequence to be the basis for any data to drive a demo? I'd have to think about that - if you could end up with a sequence that can get bit-masked over into some interesting pattern, so your program only ends up like 10 lines long because all the data is in the seeded "random" sequence. I'm not sure if the RNG in the X16 System ROM can work like that (unless maybe we override the clock and just reset it back to 0 constantly, or some fixed value?)
I do know the original 8KB Dungeon of Daggorath somewhat did a similar thing - all the dungeon levels were always the same, but not because they stored the data that way, they just picked some particular random seeds that ended up in playable dungeons.