ZSM-player without use of library

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ZSM-player without use of library

Post by unartic »

This example program plays any ZSM-file directly from disk.

1. The ZSM-header has a value for 'tick rate'.
This example program will only play the zsm at the correct speed if the tick rate is 60 ($3C)
As it appears almost all ZSM-files have a tick rate of 60, so this will most likely not cause a problem

2. The EXTCMD-command is not implemented in this example.
This means the PCM channel is being ignored. So ZSM-files which use the PCM-channel will
have the PCM-sound missing

I'll upload another versions soon which will play PCM as well.

Try It Now!

(8.37 KiB) Downloaded 164 times
Runable program:
(142.55 KiB) Downloaded 141 times
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