House Mortgage Interest Calculator

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Posts: 445
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House Mortgage Interest Calculator

Post by voidstar »

This program "simulates" a mortgage payment plan, to determine how many years are needed to pay off the principle. This can optionally include paying for insurance and property tax, that are generally rolled in together with a monthly payment.

This can help show how small adjustments in monthly payment can impact the total paid interest.

This was included on the Launch SD card, and was intended as a starter BASLOAD example - where it could be expanded with a more user friendly front end to adjust parameters, and an altered version to determine what payment is needed for a desired number of years.
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Edmond D
Posts: 476
Joined: Thu Aug 19, 2021 1:42 am

Re: House Mortgage Interest Calculator

Post by Edmond D »

When I first saw the title, I though some spammer had posted.

After looking at it, I realize my mortgage will outlast me :-(
Posts: 279
Joined: Tue May 16, 2023 6:21 pm

Re: House Mortgage Interest Calculator

Post by mortarm »

I remember seeing programs like this in various BASIC program listing books.
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