Another World (Out of this World) port for the CX16

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Re: Another World (Out of this World) port for the CX16

Post by cosmicr »

Hi Everyone another update for those following along.

I tried implementing the pseudo 4-channel mixing method for pcm audio (play 4x 11025hz samples at 44100hz). Unfortunately it did not work. I mean I got it working, but the game uses frequency shifts to change the pitch of sounds, which is not entirely possible using the mixing method unless I start doing some serious sample interpolation. And as it stands profiling my test code, it half the frame rate of the already somewhat sluggish game.

I'm reconsidering the lower 256x192 resolution, would make the game much faster (not 60fps, but at least 40 I reckon). It's a shame because I felt like I was on the home stretch.

I've got a couple more options on audio, but none are ideal: Use 1-channel audio with limited sfx, Use YM2151 Audio from the Megadrive version (not ideal) - both will add overhead to the game, so the lower resolution option seems more likely. Last option is to have no audio at all - but the game wouldn't be the same then.

On the plus side I finally fixed my zoom bug - it turned out I was reading an opcode incorrectly doh. Zoom is now highly optimised and fast. Graphics are 99% accurate.

The game is starting to get to a point where it's becoming a chore which is never great. I'm so close, yet so far on so many things:
- Decompression of data built-in to the game at startup
- Vertical scrolling (not as easy as it sounds)
- Text engine rewrite (text must be applied to bitmaps, can't use tiled mode)
- Gamepad controls (currently only keyboard)
- Background bitmaps (roughly 6 backgrounds weren't polygons, they were bitmaps).
- Fix sound issues/Rewrite Graphics Engine/Optimisations/Polish/Code cleanup/etc

I reckon if I didn't have a day job and was more experienced with assembly I'd get it done better and faster, so thanks for being patient those who have been following along!
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Re: Another World (Out of this World) port for the CX16

Post by ahenry3068 »

Please keep at it. I have been so stoked for this one project since you started it.

Believe it or not a few months before you started this I actually tried to contact the original developer of this game to see if he might be interested in the platform. I don't know if I got correct contact information. (The person I tried to contact is the same name as the developer and apparently upper management in a French Software firm). I didn't receive any reply.

Great work so far.
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