Difference in Emulator & real hardware, or is it me ?

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Difference in Emulator & real hardware, or is it me ?

Post by schristis »


Hi, I made the "PRGLOADERV2.3" and maybe there's a difference in X16EDIT or how the emulator might load DATA file's differently ?

I've downloaded my PRGLOADERV2.3 into the SDCARD file (X16ROOT) with a copy of the r47-emulator.... & my program loads the files.
But when I place it on an SD-CARD and use "real hardware" SCUMOTRON, 8BITDANCE & KG3D; wont work, while most of everything else does....
IT comes up with "?FILE NOT FOUND ERROR" on real hardware, but not with the emulator ?

Anyway, take a look at the topic feed~
Is it something I've done.... The way I see it, there's a difference between real hardware & the Emulator ?
All the programs work on the emulator ? but not all of them real hardware ?
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Re: Difference in Emulator & real hardware, or is it me ?

Post by schristis »

OK I found the problem, There is 1 thing that the emulator "see's" differently from real hardware... and I can fix the problem....
I'll have screenshots tomorrow after I come back from work.
But their is a difference between the emulator and real hardware; if its worth anything...
I got to go to work tomorrow........ sorry...
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Re: Difference in Emulator & real hardware, or is it me ?

Post by schristis »

So I got a headache for a program working in the emulator & not on real hardware..
For what it's worth, I know it's not a perfect world.... just if any1 else runs into the same issue....

Files that use the OPEN# & CLOSE# statements can be seen differently...
The Emulator ignores spaces & real hardware doesn't... (Well thats what I'm seeing)

I've used the OPEN# to get information from this file to load programs.
file.JPG (111.82 KiB) Viewed 6800 times
Because there's a space behind the cursor.
It gives a "FILE NOT FOUND" on real hardware...
But works on the Emulator...

That's all it was.... I don't know if its worth doing anything about.... but Iv'e posted it.....
It might save someone-else some time

But there's definitely a difference on real-hardware & the emulator !

Best Regards
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