What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Strider »

So what modern games, if any,  do you like to currently play? Or what style of game? Remakes and remasters count! ?

Except for my little RetroPie, I only game on PC these days, no room for many consoles. Though my daughter has a Nintendo Switch, neat little console.

Most of what I play is easily visible on my Steam page, since I use it for 99% of my modern gaming. https://steamcommunity.com/id/trstrider/

My most liked games as of late have been ...

Ark: Survival Evolved, Doom, No Mans Sky, Serious Sam, Borderlands, and Farm Together. Every so often I play Battlefield 4, when I want a challenge.

Of course, there is a spattering of retro remakes and remasters that I love like Command & Conquer Remastered Collection, Crystal Caves HD, and Shadowgate.

I like to play a lot of cooperative titles with family. Loads of fun! ?

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by RetroCode »

I've been recently going through the catalogue of Wadjet Eye Games - point and click games - Technobabylon, Shardlight, and the Blackwell Series.

Other than that, more current games I've been playing have been Skyrim and Ghosts of Tsushima, and I'm looking forward to getting a PS5, although I imagine it will be quite some time before I'll be able to get one (they sold out well before I managed to even look at pre-ordering one).

Also play a bit on a Picade, which I love.  Replaced the joystick and buttons with... hmm, I forget the brand, but they are excellent.

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Ender »

For a while now, the only time I can get myself to play games are with my friends.  So mostly just multiplayer things like Monster Hunter, GTA V, and more recently Phasmophobia.  We've played a lot of each Dark Souls as they came out.  We play WoW for a while each time a new expansion comes out.  Probably a lot of other things we played for a brief time that I can't think of right now.  The only single player games I can think of that I've played and beat recently are The Last Guardian, Black Mesa, and Inside.  I started Breath of the Wild but I still haven't beat it.

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by StephenHorn »

My big games these days are:

  • Final Fantasy XIV

  • Overwatch

  • Genshin Impact

Occasionally, I'm playing Among Us when enough friends are able to coordinate a game. Good times.

I've enjoyed several creative sci-fi block-building survival games, but the two bigs ones are:

  • Stationeers

  • Space Engineers

I haven't been much for consoles recently. I technically own a PS4, and it's basically a blu-ray player. PCMR4L, amirite? I have a Switch, though, and have greatly enjoyed Nintendo's Breath of the Wild, Ubisoft's StarfoxStarlink: Battle for Atlas, and Dragon Quest Builders.

I'll also buy faithful ports of Final Fantasy games pretty much all day, every day, every platform, every storefront, and S-E can basically just keep printing money for themselves that way as far as I'm concerned...

I've also previously enjoyed Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I expect I'll pickup Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out.

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Strider »

19 hours ago, RetroCode said:


Skyrim was such an amazing game. Funny thing, I have never played it through to the finish. Will do that one of these days. hah

My wife plays a lot of point and click games, she has more than I can count. I live the old school point and click type adventure games like Indiana Jones, Tex Murphy, Deja Vu, and Shadowgate.

15 hours ago, Ender said:


I have been looking at Monster Hunter World a lot on Steam, but have yet to pull the trigger on it. Looks like a fun game, if it was coop, would like to play through it with my wife one day. It just looks like something we would enjoy.

My wife and I have played a lot of different MMORPG games together over the years, the most current were ESO Online and the now discontinued Maplestory 2.

Also, Black Mesa, EXCELLENT Half Life "remake". Love it!

15 hours ago, StephenHorn said:



I have been wonder if my wife and I would enjoy an MMOFPS together. I used to love them, but I am much more of a Battlefield type FPS player.

The Final Fantasy games are some of my favorites, but I have not completed any of them past the classic FF7. I have played that one through several times over the years. lol

We also technically own a PS3, it's never touched, currently buried under a pile of stuffed animals in my daughters room. lol

Fallout 4, currently playing through it. All the previous Fallout games, I have beat several times, love those games! Really wish they had native coop modes.

Lastly, been looking at DQ Builders on Steam as something my wife and I could play together, the only thing that's stopped me is price. Hate paying that much for something I am not sure we will like. I am a fan of the Dragon Warrior/Quest games in general, all the way back to the NES originals.

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Johan Kårlin »

I play Crossy Castle on Apple Arcade with my son almost every day. A truly great platformer! [emoji4]
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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by RetroCode »

1 hour ago, Strider said:

Lastly, been looking at DQ Builders on Steam as something my wife and I could play together, the only thing that's stopped me is price. Hate paying that much for something I am not sure we will like. I am a fan of the Dragon Warrior/Quest games in general, all the way back to the NES originals.

Can't say that your experience will be the same but my wife -loved- Dragon Quest Builders 2.  She's never played a game before or since, and doesn't even really like technology let alone taking any interest in games, but while I was playing it one evening, she uttered the historic words "what's that you're playing?"  She's got completely addicted, and had to stop as it was affecting a course she was on... she's keen to go back to it when the course is finished.

It's irking that there isn't a couch co-op option for it - I could with play other friends, or even (in theory) strangers on it, but can't even play it with my partner... pretty daft really.

Anyway, we both love it.  I enjoyed playing it massively more than Minecraft, and the building aspect made the Dragon Quest story more enticing.  It's the only game I got a platinum on, and came back to play substantially more (to get the Buildoculars).

If you have a PS4 there's a massive demo - the first island - you can try, and the save will carry over to the full game if you decide you like it.

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by RetroCode »

1 hour ago, Strider said:

Skyrim was such an amazing game. Funny thing, I have never played it through to the finish. Will do that one of these days. hah

Me neither.  Actually I didn't really get in to it at first, but played again with some graphic mods enabled, and although it disabled achievements, made it a little bit further in.

I have a list of games I "intend to finish" that's growing... Skyrim, Baldur's Gate, and Divinity: Original Sin II to name a few.  There isn't enough time in the day.

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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by Strider »

27 minutes ago, Johan Kårlin said:

I play Crossy Castle on Apple Arcade with my son almost every day. A truly great platformer! emoji4.png

I seem to be the only one in my family that truly enjoys platformer style games, my wife and kids have little to no interest in them. The closest I have been able to get my wife is a game called Maplestory, it's an MMORPG game, but it's an "old school" style side scrolling platformer. She's play it some, but she really cant get into it.

So I must platform alone. :P

All of our kids are grown and moved out, save for one, so I don't get to play many games with them at all anymore. Our youngest, who's still at home, rarely ever wants to play games with us. She plays mostly with her friends. :)

18 minutes ago, RetroCode said:

Me neither.  Actually I didn't really get in to it at first, but played again with some graphic mods enabled, and although it disabled achievements, made it a little bit further in.

I have a list of games I "intend to finish" that's growing... Skyrim, Baldur's Gate, and Divinity: Original Sin II to name a few.  There isn't enough time in the day.

I did the same with Skyrim, and my list of "intend to finish" games is also getting well beyond what I will ever have time to actually do. Sadly, as you said, there is just not enough time in the day.

We don't own a PS4, as we do 99% of our gaming on PC.

This is the one I have been looking at: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1072420/DRAGON_QUEST_BUILDERS_2/

At $60, sometimes $40 on sale, it's a big leap in the "hopes" we both like it. Kinda tough to justify. :P

Though, my wife and I truly do enjoy Minecraft!

A classic geek & family man who enjoys all things retro! Computers, hardware, games, electronics, etc. Expert at nothing, professional hobbyist, and old-school blogger!
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What "Modern" Games Do You Play?

Post by RetroCode »

2 minutes ago, Strider said:

That also has the "Jumbo Demo" available, which is what I played on the PS4...

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