Hello from the Detroit area

Come in and say hi. Let us know a little about you and where you heard about the Commander X16 or this forum.
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Hello from the Detroit area

Post by Sohl »

Hi, I'm Michael/Mike Losh AKA Sohl.  I'm interested in this project and hope to write some code for X16 sooner or later! (Although to be honest my current hobby project is for Atari 2600... at least it's 6502-family, right?)

I got started with Commodore in 1983/84 when my parents upgraded from a CoCo 1 to a C64.  I was very into BASIC programming and learning as much as possible about computers and digital electronics.  It must have worked because I'm a lead software engineer in a major auto company R&D department now.

Just before going to college in `85 my dad found some C64s, disk drive and monitors being sold as factory refurbished, if I remember correctly. So I got my own C64 setup to take to college.  I later got a REU and geos, but by that point, I was starting to use the college VAX to type and laser-print my papers and whatnot.  By graduation, IBM PCs and clones were pretty much taking over everywhere.  My biggest regret with the C64 is not getting a decent assembler for it and learning assembler coding better back then.  I just dabbled with hand-assembling a few short routines or using a really crude monitor and not getting very far with it.  But with a good assembler in a cart/disk (or maybe even Forth!), I think I would  have done even more with that C64.

But I kept that college C64 setup.  I get it out once in a while to dabble again and have some fun.  I'd like to at least get a SD2IEC device to make using a lot easier.  But I'd also like to get a X16 now after seeing the really cool 8-Bit Guy videos and supporting ones from Perifractic, Adrian Black, TexElec, Matt Heffernan, and others!

Best wishes to everyone and hoping for you all great success with the Commander X-16!




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Hello from the Detroit area

Post by waspentalive »

From your avatar, are you hoping for FORTH programming?  Oh- I see you do mention FORTH in your post too.

Posts: 23
Joined: Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:04 pm

Hello from the Detroit area

Post by tmo »

Hey Sohl!

I hope you can get your hands on an early model of the Commander X16 so you can make something great with it! ?


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