I'm Already Slightly Intimidated

All aspects of programming on the Commander X16.
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I'm Already Slightly Intimidated

Post by rje »

It's not that I don't like writing games and stuff for the X16.  It's that I haven't used sprites in my games yet.

So what I have are BASIC programs that are *almost* compatible with other Commodore computers.  Okay I've started using the RAM banks, so that's relatively irreconcilable.  But I still feel the "pressure" to use more of the unique benefits of the X16.  Plus, a plain-jane BASIC program just isn't that sexy.  Gotta have graphics.  There just aren't enough hours in the day...


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I'm Already Slightly Intimidated

Post by Main Administrator »

Don't be intimidated. Embrace what's at your disposal and make it work for you. Some people do amazing things with PETSCII graphics alone. Every contribution is "good enough". This isn't a competition. The important thing is to enjoy the journey.

PS: Personally, I think BASIC is sexy.

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I'm Already Slightly Intimidated

Post by Perifractic »

I completely agree with what Matt said. You can do amazing things with basic. You don't have to worry about learning the more complex stuff, with a little ingenuity and thought you can come up with some amazing solutions so simple people will wonder why they never thought of them. Just have fun and follow your instincts.

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