1 hour ago, JimmyDansbo said:
I am not sure I understand the problem. I have made a short video where I follow the call the FFD5. Let me know what it is I am not seeing.
This is what we should see when walking the code ...
This is the routine in the rom of the load.s cbm code, modifed by michael steil to also support loading files into the vera etc.
And this code is in bank 0! Because the kernal code is in bank 0. Bank 4 contains the Visual Basic code, and that is not what i meant here.
The C procedure directly calls FFD5, and then it's impossible to see this code in the monitor.
Try to go to bank 0 with d 0d949 ... And you'll see the above. This is the right code.
When you type B ROM 0 (so BKO becomes 00, then when jumping to D949 nothing happens but the code seems to execute directly to the rts.
But i remember something ... The monitor of the x16 seems to be derived from the monitor that was created in the final cardridge...
I remember when I was like 16 years old or so, my friend had this cardridge (I envied that ...), that the ROM was not disassembled due to copyright restrictions.
Could it be that this piece of restriction is still in the monitor? (That would be amazing).