Emulator r38 Released

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Johan Kårlin
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Emulator r38 Released

Post by Johan Kårlin »

Every release feels like christmas. THANKS Michael Steil and everyone that have contributed! And a special thanks to @StephenHorn for the improvements to VERA! I have really been waiting for raster line and sprite collision interrupts!

Great also that WAI is now implemented. I actually thought it worked already. I have been using it for quite a long time but the code must just have resulted in a busy wait...  This must be the answer to why WAI (sorry, trying to be funny) has been so slow in response.

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Emulator r38 Released

Post by SerErris »

Can someone tell me what Chars are that on a DE Keyboard layout?


Ctrl + = and Ctrl + + will toggle warp mode.


I have no clue how to enable warp mode or how to identify I am in warp mode. Any idea?

Michael Steil
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Emulator r38 Released

Post by Michael Steil »

5 minutes ago, SerErris said:

Can someone tell me what Chars are that on a DE Keyboard layout? I have no clue how to enable warp mode or how to identify I am in warp mode. Any idea?

Try ß, +, -, = ... those keys near the backspace key... If you're okay with warp mode being enabled for the whole session, you can specify -warp on the command line.

If it really doesn't work on non-US/ISO keyboards, I can change the shortcut to something else in the next release. In this case, file an issue on GitHub against x16-emulator.

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Emulator r38 Released

Post by SerErris »

Hmm ... according to this picture the US keyboard has the + and = at the same key ... just shifted.

On a German keyboard this is the "´" key and the "`" key. The later one is with SHIFT. The documentation should better read CTRL-= and CTRL-SHIFT-=

It works ... however the same key is in X16 the "UP ARROW" key.


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Emulator r38 Released

Post by ChrisL »

Great progress!

The following C code example works with cc65 for writing/reading files with an sdcard image attached to the emulator.  If the load/vload worked as well I could add a logging capability to libX16 that would let a program do debug logging to a file for debug purposes.  I'd love to support something like that for the host filesystem interface as well someday.


#include <string.h>

#include <stdio.h>

#include <cbm.h>

#define MAX_BUF_SIZE 80


int cbmwritefile()


char data[80];

int ssRet=0;

char ucDev=8;

char filename[20];

int len=0;


strcpy(data, "this is just an example text.");



strcpy(filename, "@0:cbmdata,w");


ssRet = cbm_open(2, ucDev, CBM_WRITE, filename);


if(! ssRet)


if(data != NULL) {


if(len >= MAX_BUF_SIZE) {



cbm_write(2, &len, 2);

cbm_write(2, data, len);

} else {

cbm_write(2, &len, 2);

cbm_write(2, data, len);


printf("writing file '%s'\r\n", filename);





printf("**error - can't write file: '%s'", filename);





return ssRet;




int cbmreadfile()


int ssRet=0;

char ucDev=8;

char buffer[MAX_BUF_SIZE];

char filename[20];

int flen=0;


strcpy(filename, "@0:cbmdata,r");

memset(buffer, 0, MAX_BUF_SIZE);


ssRet = cbm_open(2, ucDev, CBM_READ, filename);


if(! ssRet)


cbm_read(2, &flen, 2);

cbm_read(2, buffer, flen);

printf("reading file '%s'\r\nlength: %d [ %d max.]", filename, flen, MAX_BUF_SIZE);

printf("\r\ntext : %s\r\n", buffer);




printf("**error - can't read file '%s' ", filename);





return ssRet;




int main()


int ssRet=0;


printf("** filetest 0.2 stdio.h / cbm.h **\n");


printf("calling cbmwritefile()\r\n");

ssRet = cbmwritefile();

printf("err: %d\r\n", ssRet);



printf("calling cbmreadfile()\r\n");

ssRet = cbmreadfile();

printf("err: %d\r\n", ssRet);


return 0;




Scott Todd
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Emulator r38 Released

Post by Scott Todd »

I tried r38 on my Mac and it doesn't go. R37 works fine but when I try r38, I get this. Any ideas?

Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 11.45.05 AM.png
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Emulator r38 Released

Post by Gooegg »


1 hour ago, Scott Todd said:

I tried r38 on my Mac and it doesn't go. R37 works fine but when I try r38, I get this. Any ideas?

Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 11.45.05 AM.png


It should work.  I installed r38 on my  Macbook Air and it runs just fine.


Capture d’écran, le 2020-08-28 à 16.53.12.png
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Emulator r38 Released

Post by StephenHorn »

I'm not a Mac guy, but is it possible Scott is missing something like C development libraries or something? Could/should they try installing GCC or something?

Developer for Box16, the other X16 emulator. (Box16 on GitHub)
I also accept pull requests for x16emu, the official X16 emulator. (x16-emulator on GitHub)
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Emulator r38 Released

Post by SlithyMatt »

The answer to "should I install gcc?" is always YES

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Emulator r38 Released

Post by SerErris »

SDL libraries ??

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