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Build in Ethernet ESP32 Wifi

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:32 am
by TheUnknownDad

Hm, how long did it take them to add you to the group? I am waiting for 12 hours now, possibly not much but I want to clear my mind of my ideas. That would work better if I knew, which direction to take. I hope to find some clues in that group. More technical information especially on the expansion port system. Is it worth waiting? ?

Build in Ethernet ESP32 Wifi

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:39 am
by JimmyDansbo

This page is the official repository for all information regarding the CX16, all you will find on the FB page is "old" information and links to the same stuff as can be found here.

When that is said, I did a quick search on the group for ESP32 and found a post by @Lorin Millsap which I will paste here:

Ok. So I talked with our KERNEL guy and we have some conclusions and while these things could change these should be the way things will work and should establish some goals and guidelines regarding networking.

The default device ID#2 will be the on board RS232 which is handled by the KERNEL and uses a few of the user port pins just like the C64 did. It remains to be seen. In theory you can get good speeds out of it.

However this does not conflict with the development of an IEC network device.

So this is a call for you the community to get involved on making said device and I will simply outline a few requests on how it works and features it should definitely have.

1: It needs to be seen as a disk drive with all the standard features you find on the SD2IEC. So that means time/date stamping, subdirectories, etc. it does not need D64 or other disk image support as those are more C64 related.

2: It needs to be able to support legacy IEC and JiffyDOS. This way it can be used on all Commodore 8 bit systems.

3: It needs to be able to understand AT Hayes type commands.

4: It needs to be able to connect to modern FTP file servers or something similar and treat them as drives.

5: It must be able to connect to BBS servers.

6: This device needs to handle all actual secure protocols such that the software running in the system doesn’t have to deal with them.

Suggestions: It has been mentioned that the ESP32 would be suitable, but we leave that to you guys. I suggest that its default device ID be 12 but that it can obviously be temporarily or permanently changed to any valid ID. Also it wouldn’t hurt if it’s designed such that you can send data and instructions to it via RS232.

As for development, you don’t need our system to be ready yet. It this works on a C64 it will work on our system. There are numerous open source projects that could make a good starting point.

Edit: There seems to be some confusion as to what the point of such a device is. So let me clarify. If I want to connect to a terminal it’s not as simple as sending a few bytes to a device. You have to maintain and keep track of a lot of seemingly ever changing security protocols. BBS services are about the simplest things to connect to as they are very primitive. So here’s a real world situation and use case. You could set up a simple server on your local network and have all your files stored on a modern computer and access them over your local network. But you could access a server anywhere. You could of course do BBS systems. And maybe that’s all people want and if that’s the case, then we can just use our built in software RS-232 and interface that to already existing WiModem devices. But what I’m proposing adds an abstraction layer that handles a lot of the overhead seamlessly and would allow you to connect to file servers with modern security. If it is easy to set up servers then that’s a strong basis to make an online support system for the platform using common software. To set this device up you just send a few commands.

As always relevant questions and ideas are welcome. I’m sure you’ll have many. Major important stuff will be added to this post.

Note that this comment is from the 28th of august 2019

Most group administrators are on American time so you can probably expect to be let in to the group some time this afternoon.

Build in Ethernet ESP32 Wifi

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:33 pm
by TheUnknownDad

That's a great starting point - at least from the software point of view. Thanks for searching and reposting it. I think I will setup a github repo - would that be a reasonable starting point of collaboration to you?

Build in Ethernet ESP32 Wifi

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:07 pm
by JimmyDansbo

1 hour ago, TheUnknownDad said:

would that be a reasonable starting point of collaboration to you?


Build in Ethernet ESP32 Wifi

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 9:47 pm
by TheUnknownDad

Ok, here is our starting point:

I guess we could start with a wiki first to collect information and to streamline ideas...

Build in Ethernet ESP32 Wifi

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 12:23 am
by TheUnknownDad

On 1/7/2021 at 3:07 PM, JimmyDansbo said:


I have used the wiki in github to put my first thoughts into words and structure... You might want to have a look.

Build in Ethernet ESP32 Wifi

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 6:41 pm
by rje

Also refer to this thread: