BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

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Scott Robison
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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by Scott Robison »

7 hours ago, TomXP411 said:

I basically (no pun intended) gave up on embedded BASICs and decided to start seeing what I can do with Circuit Python and MicroPython on those embedded systems. I'm starting to cotton to the idea of a MicroPython computer, formed around an MCU board like the Teensy or Pi Pico, with some sort of video display on a second chip - probably a second MCU driving a VGA connector. One of my thoughts is a dual Teensy setup: one teensy acting as a terminal, with an SPI interface to the second Teensy, which would be running the actual operating system and deal with the peripheral devices. Not unlike the Commander and VERA, come to think of it, but I'm going to point more solidly at MSX systems or the Commodore 128's 80-column setup. Or even the Apple I (for those of us who have watched David's latest video.)

I think that's a great idea. If I were to work on a BASIC RPi, it wouldn't be BASIC v2. But there is so much in the world I really like the idea of having variety, like the various platforms back in the day.

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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by Cyber »

22 hours ago, TomXP411 said:

I basically (no pun intended) gave up on embedded BASICs and decided to start seeing what I can do with Circuit Python and MicroPython on those embedded systems. I'm starting to cotton to the idea of a MicroPython computer, formed around an MCU board like the Teensy or Pi Pico, with some sort of video display on a second chip - probably a second MCU driving a VGA connector.

I'm happy to hear this! I actually also decided to do a similar thing with two chips, though I wish to stick with BASIC (it gives me pleasant nostalgia). I'm also still deciding what chips to use, but anyway they would be MCUs for the sake of simlicity of developing. But along with outputting to VGA I also want a second chip to drive an 80x4 character LCD to make my thing more like portable PC from 80s. And I think it should be able to run from several AA batteries. When outputting to VGA I intend to emulate graphical terminal, so along with text I would have some slow primitive monochrome graphics for whatever reason.

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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by painintheworld »

On 7/29/2021 at 7:44 PM, Scott Robison said:

That's exactly what I want to do with xenon. Alas, my employer(s) don't care about my interesting hobbies. ? But I agree, there is nothing wrong with an enhanced BASIC v2. Do I want to write everything in it? No. But it's fun!

As others have said, some people work on retro cars. Some people practice retro writing (calligraphy). Some people work on finding and restoring antique (retro) furniture. There is nothing wrong with embracing a retro experience in whatever interests you, and I like the X16. I like the MEGA 65. I'd love to find a C64 or C128 or C128D or Apple II or Sinclair or or or or at the local thrift stores.

I was thinking yesterday that as much fun as it is to have my Pi 3B+ setup now as a bare metal CBM machine, the PI really needs a bare metal BASIC-like experience. Something that is just "instant" on and you don't have to think about linux or whatever. Maybe someone has already done it and I just haven't found it because I haven't been looking. Still, I think it would be great to have a native BASIC for PI that allows you to peek and poke and sys and etc. Not as bare as BASIC v2 of course, but ... anyway, yet another project idea to work on and no where near enough hours in the day to accomplish even a fraction of them.

Order up an Allwinner H3 based Orange Pi, visit basicengine dot org, and download the BASIC NG firmware. Write the firmware to a microSD card and BAM!! A bare metal Pi device running a BASIC interpreter ? 

Scott Robison
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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by Scott Robison »

5 hours ago, painintheworld said:

Order up an Allwinner H3 based Orange Pi, visit basicengine dot org, and download the BASIC NG firmware. Write the firmware to a microSD card and BAM!! A bare metal Pi device running a BASIC interpreter ? 

What fun is that? I want to create, not just use someone else's solution! ?

But I also don't have enough hours in the day.

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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by painintheworld »

On 8/26/2021 at 10:03 AM, Scott Robison said:

What fun is that? I want to create, not just use someone else's solution! ?

But I also don't have enough hours in the day.

It is an extremely fun little device ? I wish I had the ability to create one from scratch, but I do not ? If you can find a dirt cheap H3 device (prices have gone up from $10 to $35 over the last year +) I’d wager you’d have some fun fiddling about with it.

Moto Rola
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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by Moto Rola »

On 2/8/2021 at 4:09 AM, integer_basic said:

Why use BASIC 2?  It's horrible, without any commands for graphics, sound, or the joystick.  Was BASIC 7 more money to license?

Actually why not Comal-80 as the „default”? It beats all the BASICs you could list here, including BASIC 7.0. Comal is „BASIC done right”. Why bother with that ancient BASICs?

Scott Robison
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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by Scott Robison »

On 2/7/2021 at 8:09 PM, integer_basic said:

Why use BASIC 2?  It's horrible, without any commands for graphics, sound, or the joystick.  Was BASIC 7 more money to license?

BASIC 2 involves far less bank switching than BASIC 7 would require. Between the screen editor, BASIC 7, and the kernal, 40 KB of ROM is consumed which would mean many context switches from one ROM bank to another. BASIC alone is 28K.

Scott Robison
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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by Scott Robison »

On 6/6/2022 at 3:39 PM, Moto Rola said:

Actually why not Comal-80 as the „default”? It beats all the BASICs you could list here, including BASIC 7.0. Comal is „BASIC done right”. Why bother with that ancient BASICs?

Because the ancient BASiC feels authentically like a Commodore 8 bit computer. Those who want COMAL are of course free to use it.

Moto Rola
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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by Moto Rola »

You know, on that rule I can answer: „those who want Commodore 8 bit computer are of course free to use it”. Plenty of them have been manufactured.

No idea, why repeat Commodore's mistakes.

Scott Robison
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BASIC 2? Why not get BASIC 7?

Post by Scott Robison »

On 6/7/2022 at 4:34 AM, Moto Rola said:

You know, on that rule I can answer: „those who want Commodore 8 bit computer are of course free to use it”. Plenty of them have been manufactured.

No idea, why repeat Commodore's mistakes.

Because it is what the team creating the X16 wanted. There are many things that could be called "wrong" in any given project, not the least of which is using a 40 year old (give or take) CPU. But the people creating it have a vision for it. When I create a machine I get to make the decisions. When you create a machine you get to make the decisions. In the meantime, we have the ability to use other software that isn't included in the machine if we want.

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