Adventures in WordPerfect

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Adventures in WordPerfect

Post by Snickers11001001 »

I still have old college papers produced on a C64 (actually a 128 in C64 mode) using Word Writer 6 (or 5, I forget) and an MPS1200 -- actually a really nice rebadged letter quality high pin dot matrix.   It really worked nice and was half the weight of my old DPS 1101 daisy wheel monster.    Of course, I think like everyone I also did plenty in years prior using Speedscript after typing the damn thing in myownself!  


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Adventures in WordPerfect

Post by kelli217 »

I purchased several copies of Compute, and Compute's Gazette, but I wasn't what one would call diligent about it, and didn't subscribe. I never managed to get one of the issues that had a version of SpeedScript in it.

Scott Robison
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Adventures in WordPerfect

Post by Scott Robison »

1 hour ago, kelli217 said:

I purchased several copies of Compute, and Compute's Gazette, but I wasn't what one would call diligent about it, and didn't subscribe. I never managed to get one of the issues that had a version of SpeedScript in it.

Most if not all of them are available via today...

That page ostensibly includes a link to D64 disk images as well.

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Adventures in WordPerfect

Post by kelli217 »

Cool. Noted for future use. ? 

I seem to recall that someone in this community was working on a port of SpeedScript to the X16.

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