LL or LR? This question has already been answered much better by someone else, so I'm just quoting his news message in full here:
I hope this doesn't start a war...
First - - Frank, if you see this, don't shoot me. (My boss is Frank DeRemer, the creator of LALR parsing...)
(I borrowed this summary from Fischer&LeBlanc's "Crafting a Compiler")
Simplicity - - LL
Generality - - LALR
Actions - - LL
Error repair - - LL
Table sizes - - LL
Parsing speed - - comparable (me: and tool-dependent)
Simplicity - - LL wins
The workings of an LL parser are much simpler. And, if you have to
debug a parser, looking at a recursive-descent parser (a common way to
program an LL parser) is much simpler than the tables of a LALR parser.
Generality - - LALR wins
For ease of specification, LALR wins hands down. The big
difference here between LL and (LA)LR is that in an LL grammar you must
left-factor rules and remove left recursion.
Left factoring is necessary because LL parsing requires selecting an
alternative based on a fixed number of input tokens.
Left recursion is problematic because a lookahead token of a rule is
always in the lookahead token on that same rule. (Everything in set A
is in set A...) This causes the rule to recurse forever and ever and
ever and ever...
To see ways to convert LALR grammars to LL grammars, take a look at my
page on it:
http://www.jguru.com/thetick/articles/lalrtoll.html Many languages already have LALR grammars available, so you'd have to
translate. If the language _doesn't_ have a grammar available, then I'd
say it's not really any harder to write a LL grammar from scratch. (You
just have to be in the right "LL" mindset, which usually involves
watching 8 hours of Dr. Who before writing the grammar... I actually
prefer LL if you didn't know...)
Actions - - LL wins
In an LL parser you can place actions anywhere you want without
introducing a conflict
Error repair - - LL wins
LL parsers have much better context information (they are top-down
parsers) and therefore can help much more in repairing an error, not to
mention reporting errors.
Table sizes - - LL
Assuming you write a table-driven LL parser, its tables are nearly half
the size. (To be fair, there are ways to optimize LALR tables to make
them smaller, so I think this one washes...)
Parsing speed - comparable (me: and tool-dependent)
--Scott Stanchfield in article <33C1BDB9.FC6D86D3@scruz.net> on comp.lang.java.softwaretools Mon, 07 Jul 1997.