Devlog: Vixx (bullet hell game)
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 11:17 pm
Actually the program do this :
When loading the title screen, he checks if the high score variable is zero.
If so, he tries to load the file.
He immediately do "check_disk_error" that just return carry set if there was an error (whatever it was) and carry clear if the returned code was "00".
If there was an error, he then create a new file by storing zeroes in it.
Else he gets the content of the file and fill the high score variable.
I check if the score is zero on the title screen to avoid useless file loads. The file is saved back only when the last high score was beaten during a game.
I don't mind checking for a disk error directly, because it's not on a critical part of the code that need to be optimized as much as possible. Also quite conveniently, the error is stored on X and Y when returning, so this code could be reused on some other apps ^^
The next step for me, now that the filesystem access is fixed, is making a music / sound engine. My first steps with the PSG are very clumsy and to be honest I'm not good at all with music stuff ^^' I'm kind of afraid of this part. It would be the last big feature missing before I have all the bricks I need to finish the game.
Devlog 3 coming tomorrow probably, by the way ? I got a lot of stuff to talk in it