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Petscii Robots port in the works

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:40 pm
by Ffin72

On 1/22/2022 at 12:32 AM, Falken said:

We'd also need an official port of Elite to the X16. Would make the X16 a real retro machine. Anybody have a good connection to David Braben? ? (And a couple of thousand quid.)

Petscii Robots port in the works

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 12:44 am
by Kalvan

Here are a few more perspective porting targets for Mr. Murray's latest software project:

Exidy Sorcerer

Sharp MZ

Sharp X1/NEC PC88 (they both ran Microsoft Basic and CP/M and have similar port architectures.  The biggest differences between them seem to be sound chips.)

Sharp X68000 (Pretty sure there are porting projects for the Atari ST and Sinclair QL already under way)

Apple Macintosh (System 3 or lower)

Texas Instruments TI 99/4A

Ohio Scientific Challenger

Tatung Einstein series

ColecoVision/Sega SG1000/ADAM/MSX1 (The specifications are so similar that a single build could theoretically be made, and then simply hand tweaked for each individual system).

MSX 2, 2+, and Turbo R

Commodore CBM 400+ machines (Successors to the PET)

Fujitsu FM 8/7/77 (Architecture is close enough to the Tandy CoCo that the latter can be used as a preliminary code base)