New community dev tool uploaded: x16tial mouse aid

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New community dev tool uploaded: x16tial mouse aid

Post by x16tial »

x16tial mouse aid

View File

The X16's default text screen is HUGE!  480% percent bigger than the C64's! Or is it 380%?  Whatever, it's nice!

This small utility is designed to help navigate this awesome space, primarily when developing in BASIC.

It turns the mouse on and enables:

Left Click:  Locate cursor where clicked.

Right Click: Clear screen and execute LIST.

load with:

LOAD"XMA",8,1   (or use XMA.PRG if you like typing, also LOAD can be abbreviated with L-Shift-O)

SYS 1024

The idea is that it really improves getting around large basic programs.  One hand on mouse, other on the stop key, right click to start listing, stop when need, click where you want to edit, boom. ?

** BUG **:  To prevent a lockup, after loading and activating XMA, just type a quick NEW.

If not, if you try to enter a basic program line (with a line number, not immediate) the emulator will hang.  Or you can just load an existing BASIC file.

This is probably a holdover bug from the C64 (or BASIC V2), where BASIC's memory pointers get set strangely when loading a program that doesn't sit in BASIC's memory area.

With 1.1.0, you can now SYS 1024 after doing a reset to reactivate XMA.

Posts: 177
Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:23 pm

New community dev tool uploaded: x16tial mouse aid

Post by x16tial »

New version uploaded that fixes some bugs, but still need to NEW or load a file to refresh BASIC's memory pointers.  You'll get a lockup or Out Of Memory error when trying to enter basic program lines otherwise.

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