New community dev tool uploaded: x16tial Page Examiner
Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:34 am
x16tial Page Examiner
View File
Here's a utility that will display the contents of any memory page at the top of the screen, actively and persistently.
Helps to see what's going on in different areas of memory, like zero page, the stack, page $02, page $03, page $9f, page $a0 (bank 0).
I found it useful to track down memory locations for the mouse aid program, specifically quote mode and insert mode flag locations.
SYS 1024
(NEW to reset BASIC memory pointers, if need)
Just POKE 99,<page number> to change pages. There's a "ruler" to help you determine what location you're looking at. The 4 lines are 64 bytes each.