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Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 10:21 pm
by Strider

Well, I guess I will kick this off with two of my favorite retro game memes that I really like. ?

I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, so we have to start with...



Ever wonder why space invaders follow their distinctive attack pattern? Invaders 101!




Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 10:31 pm
by desertfish

i love that invaders one ?

Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 9:27 pm
by Strider

I don't recall where I originally seen or got this, but found it funny enough to save it. ?

The idea of an Apple II / C64 hybrid was an idea that 1980's me would have loved! haha


Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 10:25 pm
by xanthrou

On 3/20/2021 at 12:21 AM, Strider said:



This one is really creative.

Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:07 pm
by Strider

Ran across a few more good ones that made me feel nostalgic. haha

The "Konami Code", playing Phantasy Star online on my Sega Saturn, the glorious days of loading games from cassette, and how I feel about a lot of modern "retro" games. So many memories. :)






Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 5:43 pm
by Cyber

Not truly a meme, but jokes about some retro arcade games in this USSR cartoon at timecode from 2:52 to 3:26.

Shown here are USSR arcade games Highway, Sea Battle, Safari and some shooting game unknown to me.

But I know that most USSR arcades were clones of western ones, so I'm sure you will see familiar games.


Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 3:00 pm
by ZeroByte

Man, those earrrrly arcade games escape me - I would've thought the one with the periscope is "Sea Wolf" but other than that, only the driving game looks familiar to me, but I wouldn't have been able to call the name of it. I mostly missed the black-and-white arcade era, but games from then that I did like to play and have memories of are: Space Invaders, Night Driver, Circus, Sea Wolf, and Asteroids. There are probably some others but I'm not recalling any of them right now... early color-era games that stick out in my mind: Berzerk, Galaxian (obviously), Space Panic, Scramble, and Vanguard.

Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 5:52 pm
by Strider

My memories are pretty similar, games like Space Invaders, Asteroids, Defender, Donkey Kong, and on up the line.

I was reading an article recently on how they made games for classic consoles (like the NES) with the technology limitations of the time, and it reminded me of something, about a favorite classic we all know and love! I was curious if anyone else happened to notice it back when they first played it, circa 1985, or whenever you first played Super Mario Bros.?

I sure didn't, I was too much in awe at the time, but MANY years later ...  ?




What got me going down that rabbit hole was watching David figure out how to cram as much into PETSCii Robots as he could within the constraints of the various hardware, and his reuse of textures. A common practice, but one we rarely notice when done properly, unless you're looking for it. haha

Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 5:57 pm
by Strider

Also, another favorite meme of mine, that I STILL do to this day whenever I play classics on a controller. ?


Retro Game Memes!

Posted: Mon May 17, 2021 6:17 pm
by ZeroByte

I definitely never noticed the clouds = bushes thing back in the day. I'm actually a little surprised because I was definitely one to notice such things from a "how'd they do that" perspective - I think the NES era was probably my lowest level of inquisitiveness - I was totally into the games for gaming's sake at that point. By the SNES era, when the cola wars had spilled over into many other fora, i.e. SNES|Genesis RULES! !SNES|Genesis SUCKS! - as an avid SNES zealot, I made a point of knowing the tech specs and how they made my box better than your box (if you were a Sega person) so I was always keen to notice things like color math, mode 7, etc.

Incidentally, that's one thing that makes me love Retro Game Mechanics Explained - he goes into the technical nitty-gritty of how these things I always appreciated were actually done under the hood.

edit: I think the most accurate description of the Sega vs Nintendo fan mentality: Sega XOR Genesis