@Greg King I was talking with @Michael Steil (aka @mist64) on Discord tonight, and your name came up. There was talk about cc65 support, and I mentioned that the CONIO library may be out of date.
The big thing that CONIO needs to do is read the screen geometry and frame buffer address from VERA, rather than assume the text lives at a particular location. My thinking was to throw this into screensize() (and maybe an additional conio_init() function) and force a call to screensize() the first time clrscr() is called. This would guarantee the library knows the state of the screen, even if the default frame buffer address changes again in the future.
Also, Michael has asked for a list of "wants" - anything that cc65 needs that is not currently an official KERNAL entry point or variable. Here's his message:
Instead of cc65 fixing every breaking change in the x16 ROM, I’d rather have it use APIs that won’t break. Can we get a list of asks from cc65 so I can implement missing APIs to prevent them from using internal state?
if there's anything any of us can do to to help, please let us know.