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DECPS is an escape sequence to Play Sound (PS) on VT520 and VT525 terminals by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). A coming version of Windows Terminal will support this since a pull request was accepted. The corresponding issue had some examples and I converted them automatically to BASIC DATA statements for Commander X16 with my Basicode-3 and -3C sound subroutine. The subroutine has extra features since it can also play polyphonic music by using other entry line numbers. This program can also play a chord for each note.
Try It Now!
Code: Select all
x16emu -prg DECPS.PRG -run
x16emu -bas DECPS.BAS -run
Code: Select all
sed 's/printf "\\e\[/REM DATA /;s/;/,/g;s/~\\e\[/1E4,/g;s/~"/2E4/'
Submitter: mobluse
Submitted: 06/04/22
Updated: 04/06/23
Category: Audio Apps
#R38 #R39 #R41 #R42 #R43