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New graphics upload: Banner

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2020 3:05 pm
by rje


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An assembly language routine which prints "banner" text using PETSCII.

# How to Use

  1. This code is currently compiled to banked RAM at address $A000.

  2. Load the PRG file into memory at $A000.

  3. Poke the desired PETSCII character code into $A000.

  4. Call the routine at $A001.




POKE $A000, 65 :REM "A"

SYS $A001


# Supported Characters

  • Version 1 only supports A-Z and space. The characters are 3 x 3 characters in size, with a special "space" character that is 2 characters wide.

# How to Compile

  • This is the command I use to compile the source:

```cl65 -o BANNER-FONT.PRG -t cx16 -C cx16-asm.cfg banner.s```