Side-scrolling Engine Preview 1

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Side-scrolling Engine Preview 1

Post by jjBliss »

This is an early build of my engine for side-scrolling shooters in the style of the original Mega Man games.

Running the game:

    Load the file SSE.PRG into the commander X16 emulator.

    On windows, the easiest way to run it is the copy the emulator files into the game's directory and run the rungame_controller.bat or rungame_keyboard.bat files

It currently contains only three levels and placeholder graphics.  There is some basic sound support, but it is not used much.

The game is played with Joystick 1 or the keyboard.  If using an SNES controller, the L/R buttons may be used to quick switch between sections of the first level and the A-button may be used as a secondary attack.  There is an experimental 2-player mode, that can be activated by pressing start on joystick 2 at the title screen, but it does not handle screen transitions so is not really usable at the moment.

I have been keeping track of progress of the game on youtube.  Here is the latest video showing gameplay.

Changing levels:

    The json files in the tilemaps directory can be opened in the Tiled Map editor (  levels.cfg can also be changed to add or remove levels and change the overworld navigation data.

    After changes are made, run buildlevel.exe or to rebuild the binary files from the json files.



Player sprite by:   sylvius fischer


The build process for levels is now separated from the assembly code.  The levels in the tilemaps folder can be edited with the Tiled map editor and built into the correct format by running or buildlevels.exe.

Also, now two windows bat files are included.  If you place the emulator files into the same folder as the contents of the game, the bat files can be used to start the game for use with controller or keyboard.

Side-scrolling Engine Preview 1
Side-scrolling Engine Preview 1
Screen Shot 2020-04-28 at 1.15.07 PM.png (132.21 KiB) Viewed 2500 times
Side-scrolling Engine Preview 1
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