Simplest Sound Effects Library for BASIC programs

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Simplest Sound Effects Library for BASIC programs

Post by DusanStrakl »


Because of its simplicity the library can be stored in a 1K space below basic programs, starting at $0400.

Save the EFFECTS.PRG program in the directory where your BASIC program is stored, which would typically be in the same directory from where you are running the emulator.


Load library with LOAD command:




Since this routine after the first run adds a new interrupt handler it is good practice to only load it once. It is therefore recommended to do a simple check:


IF PEEK($400)=0 THEN LOAD”EFFECTS.PRG”,8,1,$0400



And that is it. Now you only need to call the needed sound effect from the BASIC program with a simple SYS command. We have four different effects so four different addresses can be called:


SYS $400


Is designed for events like picking coins or rewards.

SYS $403


Effect that can be used for shooting the gun or other weapon.

SYS $406


Electricity zapping or perhaps a laser gun sound.

SYS $409


Long explosion for when we successfully blow something up


Alternative binary named EFFECTSHI.PRG that loads into memory at $9000 can be downloaded. Of course calls are then $9000 for PING, $9003 for SHOOT, $9006 for ZAP and $9009 for EXPLODE.


Full source code and walk through is available at my blog:


Demo video:




Updated version saves VERA state in the IRQ player which was before interfering with some graphical functions in BASIC programs like scrolling.

Simplest Sound Effects Library for BASIC programs
Simplest Sound Effects Library for BASIC programs
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Simplest Sound Effects Library for BASIC programs
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Simplest Sound Effects Library for BASIC programs
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Re: Simplest Sound Effects Library for BASIC programs

Post by mobluse »

I cannot get EFFECTS.PRG or EFFECTSHI.PRG to work in x16emu R43, but they work in R42. In R43 they crash the program and they hang or you get into the debugger/monitor. At least EFFECTS.PRG doesn't work in the web emulator R43. I use EFFECTS.PRG in Aritm on this site. You can use Aritm if you remove the lines with SYS: 2405 and 3620. I plan to replace EFFECTS.PRG with PSG sound effects in BASIC. It would be interesting to know why EFFECTS.PRG crashes in R43.
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