Falling Snake (C)

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Falling Snake (C)

Post by CursorKeys »

Simon Snake has fallen down a hole, you must rescue him, by avoiding obstacles on his way down.

Controls: Cursor Keys, for left and right. Space to start or continue the game.



Falling snake was a game that I wrote on the C64 in Basic, but now converted to KickC, because I want to add more features to it, and was

running on the limits of what I wanted to squeeze into Basic.   All graphics, except player sprite are Petscii.  "Cut Scenes", are in "Lores Double Petscii". 



The Basic version you can also find below as a tutorial "How to create a simple game in basic on the X16"

This time the game is written in Kickc, allowing more features to be added.

Current status:

90% of all Basic features have been converted to C.

Extra features have been added that were easier to add in C, like "cut scenes".

Sound and more game play elements are to be added still.

Video below.

(music added in post production)




Falling Snake (C)
(19.81 KiB) Downloaded 149 times
Falling Snake (C)
Falling Snake (C)
title.png (7.22 KiB) Viewed 596 times
Falling Snake (C)
Falling Snake (C)
ingame.png (2.92 KiB) Viewed 596 times
Falling Snake (C)
Falling Snake (C)
2lives.png (7.85 KiB) Viewed 596 times
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