decisions re: BASIC and why?
Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 5:40 pm
Who are making decisions regarding the BASIC that is planned for the X16, and which rationales are offered?
I mean, I see the obvious attraction in just saying "we'll support Commodore BASIC v2 because that's what the C64 had!" and that's the end of discussion.
Except it isn't. Somehow, someone is capable of extending this BASIC with a load of new commands BIN$, BOOT, CLS, COLOR, DOS, FRAME, GEOS, and so on and so on...
* Who is writing this new BASIC and how is the promised 100% compatibility ensured?
* Who chose what new commands to support? By which criteria? What decides which commands are in and what are left out?
* are new commands included because... because they were supported on [enter fave nostalgic system here]? the team just likes them? the programmer responsible is the only one with decision power? or what?
The project is clearly not going with BASIC v2... why wasn't another version of official Commodore BASIC considered? Like v7 used by the Commodore 128?
Wouldn't that achieve much of the same goals (re: v2 is lacking in functionality) but with authentic nostalgia?
Why go with the unaltered Commodore BASIC at all - it basically sucks, and is extremely slow! Why not pick a more competent alternative from the era? (That still looks and feels like Commodore BASIC I mean, I'm not suggesting a completely different dialect of BASIC here just because it runs faster)
Why retain things like "only two significant characters in variable names"... I mean if you're rewriting the BASIC ROM from scratch...
At this point, I'm pointing no fingers and making no accusations. Consider this initial curiosity only. Getting insight into how the project leadership thinks and what I presume are many good reasons for going with this "BASIC v2... but not really" approach, would be much appreciated!
Who are making decisions regarding the BASIC that is planned for the X16, and which rationales are offered?
I mean, I see the obvious attraction in just saying "we'll support Commodore BASIC v2 because that's what the C64 had!" and that's the end of discussion.
Except it isn't. Somehow, someone is capable of extending this BASIC with a load of new commands BIN$, BOOT, CLS, COLOR, DOS, FRAME, GEOS, and so on and so on...
* Who is writing this new BASIC and how is the promised 100% compatibility ensured?
* Who chose what new commands to support? By which criteria? What decides which commands are in and what are left out?
* are new commands included because... because they were supported on [enter fave nostalgic system here]? the team just likes them? the programmer responsible is the only one with decision power? or what?
The project is clearly not going with BASIC v2... why wasn't another version of official Commodore BASIC considered? Like v7 used by the Commodore 128?
Wouldn't that achieve much of the same goals (re: v2 is lacking in functionality) but with authentic nostalgia?
Why go with the unaltered Commodore BASIC at all - it basically sucks, and is extremely slow! Why not pick a more competent alternative from the era? (That still looks and feels like Commodore BASIC I mean, I'm not suggesting a completely different dialect of BASIC here just because it runs faster)
Why retain things like "only two significant characters in variable names"... I mean if you're rewriting the BASIC ROM from scratch...
At this point, I'm pointing no fingers and making no accusations. Consider this initial curiosity only. Getting insight into how the project leadership thinks and what I presume are many good reasons for going with this "BASIC v2... but not really" approach, would be much appreciated!