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x16emu R43 for Linux i686 (32 bit) x16-emulator-r43 ("Stockholm")

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2023 12:48 am
by mobluse
This is the official emulator for Linux i686 built by me on Lubuntu 18.04 LTS because there is no official release for these systems and the latest snap is R39, but it uses the original R43 ROM.

Code: Select all

$ ./x16emu -version
### Release 43 ("Stockholm") 0000000+
On my Eee PC 900 it runs at 20% of full speed, but that is still faster than a real C64 with 6510 at 1 MHz since the Commander X16 has a 65C02 CPU at 8 MHz. Even at 20% it is still useful for non time critical programs.
2023-06-16-021634_640x480_scrot.png (9.62 KiB) Viewed 6982 times
I compiled using make to get the executables and then I moved them with zip -u into a copy of that is called to mark that it is an independent release and not an official, and that it might be updated. I tested x16emu using my own programs and started makecart on the EeePC and also by using Box86 on a Raspberry Pi 4 B.

About the earlier release R42
This is the official emulator for Linux i686 built by me on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS because there is no official release for these systems and the latest snap is R39, but it uses the original R42 ROM and the emulator shows the same wrong version using the command line, but shows R42 on the screen.

Code: Select all

$ ./x16emu -version
### Release 41 ("Marrakech")

Code: Select all

$ ./makecart -help
	Print this message and exit.
On my Eee PC 900 it runs at 20% of full speed, but that is still faster than a real C64 with 6510 at 1 MHz since the Commander X16 has a 65C02 CPU at 8 MHz. Even at 20% it is still useful for non time critical programs.
2023-03-20-014047_640x480_scrot.png (25.38 KiB) Viewed 7799 times
2023-03-20-014439_640x480_scrot.png (9.31 KiB) Viewed 7799 times
I compiled using make and make makecart to get the executables and then I moved them with zip into and renamed that to to mark that it is an independent release and not an official, and that it might be updated. I tested x16emu using my own programs and started makecart on the EeePC and also by using Box86 on a Raspberry Pi 4 B.

Ubuntu is actually Lubuntu in my case because that is faster on an EeePC 900. This release might work on later distros for i686 that e.g. Debian call i386 even though they need i686 or later. E.g. this might work on Debian with Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac. "If you have an old computer that is no longer powerful enough to run a modern commercial operating system, try Debian with Raspberry Pi Desktop: it can often make the computer usable once more."

Re: x16emu R43 for Linux i686 (32 bit) x16-emulator-r43 ("Stockholm")

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 12:38 am
by mobluse
I have updated the CX16 emulator x16emu for i686 to R43 "Stockholm", see above.

Re: x16emu R43 for Linux i686 (32 bit) x16-emulator-r43 ("Stockholm")

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 1:00 am
by Daedalus
You compiled a version of the emulator for the i686 that you're running a lightweight version of Ubuntu 1804 on?


Can you dual boot that bad boy to DOS or WIN95 for retro gaming on those, as well?

Re: x16emu R43 for Linux i686 (32 bit) x16-emulator-r43 ("Stockholm")

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 3:08 am
by mobluse
The biggest problem with running MS-DOS or Windows 95 on the EeePC 900 is that the sound card is not supported. Maybe one could buy a USB sound card that is supported by Windows 95c, 98, 98SE, or ME, since those have MS-DOS built-in. FreeDOS might also support some USB sound cards. The oldest Microsoft OS that I've seen running on it is Windows 2000 and there sound worked well. My Eee PC was sold with Linux, but you could also buy it with Windows XP. DOSBox is an MS-DOS emulator that is part of Lubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Otherwise it's easy to boot other OS:es from USB or SD card. There is a system called UNetbootin that can create SD cards or USB sticks with various OS:es, but I've mostly tested different Linux distributions. You could also configure Linux to dual boot.

My Eee PC 900 has 16GB SSD and 2GB RAM.