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Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:45 pm
by totodilespy
Quack is a Dr. Mario-like puzzle game currently in development.

Controls (Keyboard joystick):
Start - progress through menus
B - Back through menus
Arrows - Navigate menus

In Game:
A / Up - Rotate pieces
Left / Right - Move pieces
Start - Pause / Unpause

Try the game online here: Try It Now!

Update (4/6/2023): Updated to use the graphics graciously provided by AJenbo.
Update (4/11/2023): More new graphics! Also some bug fixes.
Update (4/13/2023): Pill throwing by the Dr.
Update (4/27/2023): The blue virus is now animated!
Update (6/4/2023): New credits screen (just press down while on the music toggle)
Update (6/6/2023): Added some sound effects
Update (6/9/2023): New gravity code

Re: Quack

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2023 8:50 am
by paulscottrobson
Looks good. I'm not sure about the background though it's presence in the game space I found (a) slightly distracting and (b) tended to munge the graphics ?