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"EMP Retro" YouTube Channel

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 1:15 pm
by Dacobi
I just wanted to let everyone know that I've created a new YouTube channel called EMP Retro

There is currently only one video, which is a short tutorial where I demonstrate how to create a TileSet and Palette in TilemapEd from a high res 24bit image, in this case generated by Midjourney, using an image manipulation program i.e. Gimp.

After the TileSet has been created I then show how to import it into one of the tracks from my game "Mini Motors" and how to use the Tiles in the track's TileMap as well as how to update the Collision Map.

Finally I show how to update the "Mini Motors" "DAT" folder so that the game can be run with the updated track.

The video can be found here:
Creating Tiles in TilemapEd from a Gimp Image