Lower Decks (adventures in SCREEN 7 w/ BASIC)

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Lower Decks (adventures in SCREEN 7 w/ BASIC)

Post by voidstar »

To celebrate mouse wheel support on the X16, perhaps one of the only 8-bit BASIC's to even support such a thing, I made a simple game to demonstrate its usage. In fact, the mouse wheel is the ONLY control input allowed in this game.

The online emulator currently has no way to induce mouse wheel inputs, so the TryInNow may not work for mobile devices.

Within the emulator, you may need to use CTRL+M and move the mouse edge to edge to get it to align correctly with the host system.

This is a text mode game that makes use of custom fonts and also makes use of MooingLemur's excellent ZSMKIT. The other purpose here is to be used as a reference example of using X16 BASIC.

The .BAS is for BASLOAD while the .PRG is a tokenized X16 BASIC runtime program.

The game involves matching power levels of 8 subsystems ("cause it's an 8-bit system"? inside joke). It's meant to be a "low-stress" game. If you don't match the power levels, you'll burn out conduits and eventually won't be able to route power. Game ends when you drop below 8 conduits left.

UPDATE: Nov 5, 2023 - few corrections/updates to the game.
- Minor cosmetic/color bug when power delta was exactly 6
- conduit DAMAGE is now RANDOM up to the damage amount instead of fixed (to balance out that REPAIR is also RANDOM)
- some additional "talk messages"
- can press SPACEBAR to turn off audio (SPACE again will turn it back on, but not until the next mission round)

Try It Now!
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