Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 10:24 am
The following code sets ISO mode and then copy's all the Thick PETSCII graphics characters from ROM to character offsets 160-255
The result is that CHR$(160), CHR$(161)......CHR$(255) (inclusive). Will output the same drawing character when printed as if in PETSCII mode. But the mapping is ISO. Screen code for A is 65 NOT 1.
The following code uses VPOKE for simplicity in coding. It has occurred to me that the routine would run a good bit faster if I set up VERA auto-increment and just use Poke to the data register. I'll be implementing that soon and I'll post the difference in speed when I do it.
The result is that CHR$(160), CHR$(161)......CHR$(255) (inclusive). Will output the same drawing character when printed as if in PETSCII mode. But the mapping is ISO. Screen code for A is 65 NOT 1.
The following code uses VPOKE for simplicity in coding. It has occurred to me that the routine would run a good bit faster if I set up VERA auto-increment and just use Poke to the data register. I'll be implementing that soon and I'll post the difference in speed when I do it.