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Lazer3D case

Posted: Tue May 21, 2024 6:29 am
by DragWx
I got mine, installed my X16 into it, and I'm as happy as can be with it so far. :D

Here's some stuff I noted down in case it's helpful for anyone else:
  • The random white square with the slot in it is for when you mount an expansion card; it goes on the outside when you do.
  • Board first, then power/reset buttons. :)
  • The Pico-ATX power supply is right up against the side, and the cables butt against the side of the case, so you'll need to be comfortable with bending them around. I unplugged the Molex cables too.
  • On my faceplate, the backside is just glossy and I don't think there's a peel-off on it. At least, that's what I'm telling myself after spending 20 minutes on it. :P
  • The VERA shifts around when you plug cables into it, so be gentle. I dunno if it's just my board or if this is just how it is. I didn't notice before because I'd hold the VERA to plug cables into it, which you can't do when the board's in the case.
  • My bottom plate came with all of the standoffs pre-installed, and it would probably have been a good idea to check that they were all in securely before mounting the board. They're probably fine, I just didn't think to do it. :P (EDIT: I've since checked, they were rock-solid, so there was nothing to worry about!)
  • Purple plate gang represent. :D
  • Power button on the right gang represent. :D
  • Definitely didn't drop a screw onto the carpet gang represent. ;)
I'm so incredibly happy to have this in a case finally, and I like this case in particular; it was exactly the form factor I wanted and everything. :D

The final thing I would be looking for is, a really nice Commander X16 badge to put on the front, one that's nice and silvery and with the rainbow logo on it. :D

Re: Lazer3D case

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 3:16 pm
by voidstar
I'm still not getting the random-white-square, even after having the serial-network card expansion.

They make other Pico-ATX power supplies with the components/cables on the other side (but then they cover some of the components of the board, so some people might not prefer that).

Good idea on double checking the pre-installed standoffs - I actually hadn't considered that.

Purple plate + power button right, I'm with you! (well, if you mean on the right when facing the system from the front; also I suppose some might not call it purple)

Do you mean stickers like THESE below? I had some for VCF last weekend, and found a few extras after unpacking. Should have encouraged Kevin to include one in each X16 shipment.

Re: Lazer3D case

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 5:30 pm
by DragWx
Well ok, the color's actually periwinkle, which is right on the border between light blue and lavender, but my eyes perceive periwinkle as being slightly more purple than blue.

This was actually an interesting thing my friends were talking about a while back; everyone has their own thresholds for where the "color boundaries" are (for example, cyan vs green, blue vs purple, orange vs yellow, etc), and while I'd expect people with protoanomaly or deuteranomaly to see periwinkle as "definitely blue", people with normal vision can still be conflicted on which side periwinkle actually sits on for them. :P

Those stickers would've been a cool pack-in, I agree; it's not too late to start including them if they aren't already. :P

For a case badge though, I was looking for something that was like what's already printed on the case, except as a nicer-looking silvery badge that can stick over it, kinda like how the C64 has that nice stick-on badge on the case. It's such a minor thing though, so I'm not going out of my way for it, but I'd definitely be interested if one suddenly appeared. :P

For that random white square with the slot in it; if you go to the order page for the Lazer3D case, and look at the photo of the backside, you can see it all the way on the right, with the expansion card's metallic bracket fitted into it. I don't have an expansion card so I don't know how useful it is, but it's definitely shown there.

Re: Lazer3D case

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 5:19 am
by voidstar
"random tab" goes like this...